  • Full Moon Dreaming

    It took me a minute
    a day to fully know what it is you were showing me
    why it is you’ve been coming
    where there was healing to be done
    how to let it all go

    So strange to see you, after all these years, I never expected you
    bent over in that way, mooning me with your
    huge, white, naked ass
    head down, booty up
    neck cranked, eyes fixed at me, wide salacious smile, teeth glowing
    skin remarkably softer and younger
    than possible

    And those cheeks you spread, so cheekily
    taunting me to look into the portal

    I never understood why you hated me, viscerally and unendingly, it was shocking
    you were the first
    and as far as I know
    the only one

    So strange
    because I’ve prided myself on not being hated
    on being liked and loved by all
    on conforming and contorting and accommodating
    to ensure
    that I was who I needed to be

    As you well know
    As I did for you too

    Your hair and makeup, that day
    your fury raged at the other infiltrator of your family unit
    but I was accustomed to the seething darkness of your victimhood
    that left spittle in the corners of your mouth, flushed skin, and beads of sweat
    it didn’t frighten me

    So I re-curled your hair
    and re-did your makeup
    so you could show up, with that callous, forced grin, haunting her polaroid memories
    the day I won you over, but only for a moment

    It never hurt that you hated me, though confusing as it was

    I witnessed you suffering in feeding it, enforcing it, compelling it’s existence
    you lost more than I, and it was never just me anyway

    So when you began hanging around, making yourself known again,
    mooning me in my sleep
    I gave it to god in Kundalini, ego eradicator evoking quick resolution


    I manically laughed
    You’re An Asshole

    Nothing more to know, to reflect on, to figure out about your hate towards me
    what a relief to finally see you so clearly, showing me your truest truth

    You’re an asshole

    Because there was, as I already know, no reason for you to hate me
    as viciously as you did
    as ardently as you tried

    I was never mad or hurt, and I know that made it worse for you
    your hate was a gift you didn’t and couldn’t have given in any other way

    For you gave me your son, all of him
    in all his glorious codependency
    and insecurity
    and anxious attachment style
    he chose me over you

    Which was a blessing and
    a curse
    I had to choose him over me
    but it wasn’t all that bad
    as you well know
    trustworthy devotion, and dedication, and steadfast companionship
    we made a life of the love we had
    as you watched from a distance

    We made friends and community
    and flipped houses into homes
    and traveled the world
    and dreamed, and schemed, and played
    and laughed, and loved, and lived
    as you couldn’t
    and wouldn’t
    and didn’t

    And you
    you gave me your husband
    who regardless of your atrocious spite, adored and supported me, us,
    in secret visits, in business contracts, in hushed phone calls
    though I could never trust him, because he always stood by you
    choosing you over his own children, his sister, his friends, his colleagues,
    all that isolation you demanded

    And you gave me your daughter, brilliant, beautiful, best friend
    and her gorgeous family, those kids who I miss and love dearly

    You gave me the family, that I didn’t have growing up
    that had nice things, and big dreams

    You gave me a safe place to heal
    time to grow, and learn, expand my worldview

    And I gave them a type of love you couldn’t
    and they were hungry for it, they craved it
    it was my pleasure to be so needed, so necessary, it was so natural
    for I had trained my whole life to be who you weren’t

    And I know you know, though you’ve been gone four years now
    you don’t have to worry anymore, I won’t be touching your money
    for I already received my inheritance
    one that you couldn’t have foreseen giving so generously to me

    And I know you know, that there’s one more gift
    you cunningly presented last night
    there is reflection to be had in that full moon of yours, that portal of a mirror


    When your husband on that final day
    hugged me with tears in his eyes and tenderness in his embrace
    that made me feel as if he knew, before he knew,
    that I knew,
    I wasn’t coming home

    When I left
    I dropped all those fragile, beautiful, hearts you gifted me
    shattering them to smithereens
    as I freed my queer soul

    It hurt that your son didn’t want to stay friends
    but how could we
    and I still don’t know how or if repair is possible with your daughter
    or necessary
    or that I even want it at this point

    Because when I finally chose me, when I saw in the mirror of my soul, who I really was
    I couldn’t not choose me
    I had to go
    it was the most known thing about me, I hadn’t known

    So I give them all back to you, I offer them up on your ofrenda in gratitude
    on this Dias de Los Muertos
    I surrender them to you, they’re yours now not mine
    as they never were mine to begin with
    though I’m honored to have held them for some time

    And I’m grateful that you came to me
    to remind me
    that we’re all H-U-M-A-N

    In our own ways we intentionally, and unintentionally
    hurt each other
    hurt ourselves

    Turns out my familiarity with your seething darkness, was a resonance with my own

    Fragile beings, broken hearts, tender souls
    contradictory love that requires fissures for expansion
    and endless forgiveness for our messy human-ness
    a tacky glue of feeble attempts at repairs
    malleable enough to engorge again
    demanding honeyed self acceptance that entices another go
    until it breaks some more

    So you’re right, thanks for helping me lighten the load
    to remember that
    to speak my truth
    and embody my truest self
    not everyone is going to like me
    it’s time to drop the people pleasing

    Thank you
    for all your gifts
    you have given me
    for I know you loved me more than you wanted to admit

    Cause we’re all just a bunch of assholes

    Devananda Vargas

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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