  • vermontpoetess submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write about a time you didn’t give upWrite about a time you didn’t give up 1 months, 4 weeks ago

    What Lurks Beneath

    The day my daughter overdosed
    on unrestrained nortriptyline,
    all thought dispersed like filmy ghosts
    afraid of ICU machines.

    Six days my haunted vigil stretched
    beside her comatose abyss,
    devoid of reason, will, or self–
    a graveyard for gaunt manuscripts.

    Amid the dark recovery
    that disinterred cold skeletons,
    stiff rhymes became my therapy
    and she transformed– reborn a son.

    Despite his newfound happiness
    and zest for life I’d never seen,
    the phantom novel grew abcessed
    beneath a stack of poetry.

    Our dual awakenings
    sloughed off unyielding zombie cauls;
    alive with nerve, encores begin–
    and now my words earn peer applause.

    Necia Campbell

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • I am glad your son is doing well and recovered. You sound like a wonderful mom. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • He is thriving and just had his top surgery. I cannot express how thankful I am to still have him. That was the scariest time of my life. Thank you for your kind words! ❤️

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