  • alexcia23 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Family Party

    I can recall a particularly bright summertime day
    A big family party is held in the backyard
    Everyone had gathered around from near and far to this event
    The happy sensation of fits of laughter heard all around

    A big family party is held in the backyard
    I’m wearing my graduation cap and gown, and my high school diploma is in my hand
    The happy sensation of fits of cheer is heard all around
    There is nothing but love that fills my heart

    I’m wearing my graduation cap and gown, and my high school diploma is in my hand
    My elderly great-aunt came to me with a hug and a proud smile
    There is nothing but love that fills my heart
    I’m glad to have her here and see me graduate high school

    My elderly great-aunt was close to me and had a proud smile
    With a side hug, she smiled wide and posed with me
    I’m glad to have her here and see me graduate high school
    My mother begged us to take a family picture together

    With a side hug, watching her smiling wide and posing with me
    Other close family and friends wanted to pose with me too
    As my mother begged us to take a family picture together
    Before this excited, fulfilled party comes to an end

    As other close family and friends wanted to pose with me too
    Everyone had gathered around from near and far to this event
    Before this excited, fulfilled party comes to an end
    I can still recall this particularly bright summertime day

    Alexcia Cegelski

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    • Alexcia, Your letter beautifully captures the joy and love of a memorable family gathering. The imagery and emotions are vividly conveyed, creating a heartwarming atmosphere. Well done!

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      • Hi there, thank you for coming across my poem and for saying that! This was one of my favorite days, as a couple of members of my family (including my great aunt) are no longer alive. So, this poem is a personal one to me but a happy memory. I have a heart-warming, loving family, as this party was a double celebration for my graduation from high school and for my coming 18th birthday. Again, thank you! <3 🙂

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