  • kyoungcollie submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Day Break

    light and dark.
    Meant to represent balance.
    But in my chest represents the madness.
    But I feel a special light.
    It’s undeniable, my spirit is incredibly bright.
    Then there’s the uncertainty – the darkest dark, the hardest part.
    A pair of doubt and desire for the coldest walk in the park.
    Light and dark coexist but the balance was off.

    that damn chip
    Weighing me down – sullying my light and enriching my dark.
    Some days are hard.
    But I love my light…
    Something tells me it’s meant to shine bright.
    Who am I to deny her of that right?
    I’m realizing this is the beginning of a new life

    To stand in my light
    A deep breath from my most intimate depths.
    Shedding this skin, eyes finally open to the valley of my best.
    To finally bask in my breadth.
    giving me life
    No longer concerned with what’s right and so over the fight.
    Sanctuary in my peaks and valleys.
    This stream of love has finally brought me the ultimate balance.
    There’s always Light and dark.
    But nothing is more compelling than nurturing my heart


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    • Your letter beautifully captures the inner struggle between light and dark, showcasing the importance of finding balance and embracing your own light. It is a powerful and inspiring reflection on personal growth and self-acceptance. Keep shining bright and nurturing your heart on this new journey of life.

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    • You are meant to shine bright Keep stepping into your light and being the light. And of course, keep nurturing your heart. You deserve it. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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