  • qualena submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    To the One That Moves Me Most.

    To the one that moves me most,

    Are you still breathing, living and being? It’s seems you are, and that should be a sincere sign of the learned unconditional love that I have for you.

    When giving yourself flowers wasn’t enough. When taking yourself on dates wasn’t quite giving the depths of love you craved for your soul, you found what satiated your internal.

    I love the way you stare into people’s eyes when they speak to you, making sure they know you are lingering on every word they’re offering. I love the way you gaze off and allow yourself to dream past the sky that lays down thin blankets of limitation.

    There’s a tenderness when you caress the ones you love and a desire to do everything you can to make sure they feel open. Zealous and passionate you are, even when you feel alone in your tenacity. When you want to scream, you allow yourself to dig deep and bellow. When you want to cry, you move beyond one lonely tear and allow rivers to flow. You feel deeply and for that I love you.

    The joy that arises when you watch people do their best and the peace that overcomes you when you stand by the ocean goes beyond human comprehension. I love the many times you’ve pulled money from the holes in your pockets or sacrificed your last to make sure others went first.

    Your convictions stand stronger than the mountains people always talk about moving. Your quiet voice thunders when it’s time to stand up for what and who matters most. Your voice draws in responses to its melody. Even in all your thundering, shaking and definite declarations, you cause people to melt softly.

    Your jokes are so timely and you smile even when others don’t. Sometimes you trip over your own two feet and laugh on the way down-never thinking about bringing other people down with you. Remember when you overcame your fear of babies, held one close and decided then and there that they would one day be your forever?

    I love it when you strike with your tongue, then walk away and come back to apologize. You dance, sing and create with abandon. You see what is often missed and build tables for those who feel they have no place to dine.

    Then, there was this one time where you looked in the mirror and stared into your eyes with disgust and anger. You hated everything about your body, mind and spirit. Suicide was too scary to fathom but you needed it. You turned on the faucet and let the sink fill and rise to the top. How silly this attempt was, but how serious was that moment. You submerged your face into it, waiting to see if you would allow yourself to actually drown.

    You went down in the grips of death and came up gasping for aliveness. You wanted life. You wanted others to want life. With the sound of rushing water in the background, eyes closed and breath depleted, all that you could envision were others on the same ledge. You tried to scream for them but your lungs were filled up and the only way to save them was to choose.

    See, I love you for your fight, your honesty and ability to forget afflictions. I love you for your dimples, your love of coffee and the way you chase adventure while navigating loneliness. I love you because love is stronger than death. I decided to let you live when you wanted to die due to my adoration for you.

    Just like you shake foundations within everything you do, You move me and I want to be moved like that for as long as we live.

    I love you because we understand the perfectly diligent hands of the one who has made us and each stitch from those hands brought an inheritance of power, beauty and worthiness. Until the not so untimely end, I will love you because of this inheritance we encompass.


    The one who will always be moved.

    Qualena Smith

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Qualena, your heartfelt letter is a testament to the depth of love and self-acceptance you have discovered within yourself. Your words beautifully describe the moments of vulnerability, strength, and resilience that shape who you are. Your journey inspires us to embrace our own imperfections and cherish the unique qualities that make us who we are. Keep shining, and continue to love yourself fiercely.

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    • I am so sorry you reached a point that you thought about hurting yourself but I am so glad you realized how incredibly magical you are and how worthy you are of this life and more. This is incredibly well written, and I am in awe of your strength and your power. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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