  • cee133 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    The Natural Trifecta Growth Remedy

    Dear Miss Evans,
    How is that natural remedy working out for you? As per our last self-reflection, you seem to be in great spirits. I wanted to touch base and let you know that your efforts are always showing. I remember when you first got into your 20’s, self-sufficiency became second nature to you. I have a question for you, how did you beat Miss Jazmine Sullivan to picking up your feelings? Are you sure you didn’t co-write that song with her? Just kidding, but honestly though, it used to be only you and Jehovah who knew how you felt. I wanted to give you your flowers and let you know that I am PROUD that you’ve gotten better at being more emotional. Girl, I thought I would only see that side during “that time of the month”. It must be that fiancée of yours always making you smile. I see that he ALWAYS brings the best out in you and loves you dearly. Every time you talk about him you light up like a firefly. I love how much y’all make each other better. I love that he encourages you to be yourself even when you try to hide it. I remember when it was like pulling teeth to get you to express your feelings. A few times I wanted to box you because of your stubbornness. However, I love that you are honest about your apprehension of emotional expression with your soulmate. Thank you for letting him in and getting to know you.
    I love your empathy for other people. I remember back in your high school days when you just got along with everybody. Cheerleaders, jocks, art lovers, nerds, heck even the quiet kids, you just seemed to have a knack for being well-rounded. I see how much you consider other people’s situations and feelings. I know it comes from a good place within yourself however, you still must remember you have feelings too. I see that you have gotten better at taking mental breaks. I’m glad that you even took up a new hobby of creative writing.
    Despite not always being able to express yourself emotionally growing up, I am proud that you have found a better outlet than your comfort snacks. You know that love-hate relationship you have with bread. I see you started to lighten up on your food choices and it’s showing in your skin. You got your skin-care regimen intact and that is awesome. Plus, your natural glow suits you.
    After five years of this remedy, it has shown positive results in your whole aura. I love that your relationship with Jehovah has strengthened in the past couple of years. I see you studying your bible now and again. I’ve always loved your thirst for knowledge in all aspects of life. Spiritually, it seems like you have a better understanding of the human interaction with God. I pray that you continue your journey to understanding yourself and others.
    Overall, the natural remedy of self-reflection, empathy, and understanding have been the greatest part of your journey. Keep up the great work and remember to pray.
    Your Inner Child

    Ceirra Evans

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww this is amazing. Congrats on meeting your soulmate and having the courage to open your heart. It sounds like you have always known that you have a good heart, but now you are really allowing yourself to embrace it and feel it. Congrats on all the beauty in your life that YOU allowed and created. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much for the feedback. I really enjoyed writing for this contest and reading others letters as well 🙂

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