  • aimeevc submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023 5 months ago


    Most people when they think of green they think of trees , grass , simple things. When I think of green I think of my whole life. My future wife. It’s hard to think of you in such simple ways, you’re vast. Even with your past you still find ways to laugh and smile I’d drag my bloody feet a thousand miles just to see you smile. I still can’t believe it. I used to think of green in simple ways but now I’ve parted ways. Because the thought of you is so deeply intertwined in my mind it makes me go blind. I can’t see anything but you and that’ll forever be true. I’ll hold my breath until my face turns blue and pass out until I can once again be with you. You are not simple you are vast. Like the forest that forever lasts. You give me air in my lungs and I can finally breathe again. Maybe you are like a tree. Something so simple yet so vital to my being. I look into your eyes and I just can’t unbind. I want to get lost in your world , I can’t believe the universe gave me this girl. I used to not like the color green, but now I search for it in everything I do because the color green always reminds me of you.


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    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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