  • famomusa submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    The day of my dreams

    In the early hours of May morning
    a symphony of life, a world reborn
    the air tastes crisp, with a touch of dew
    as nature awakens, I feel a jolt at the base of my spine
    this was different from the others I felt.

    My doctor told me to walk you out
    the time was near, so I heed her advice
    the sun’s kiss warms the earth’s embrace
    as flowers bloom, in a vibrant race
    the birds singing in a joyous delight
    their melodies dance in the morning light
    and I feel your flutters as I jog through out
    both in anticipation of our first meeting

    a gentle breeze whispers secrets untold
    as leaves flourish in the zephyr’s hold
    the world’s a canvas, fresh and bright
    in the clutch of a spring morning’s light
    a day to feel the breath of air’s kiss
    surrounded by forest green grass
    I imagine your first cry as an angel’s melody.

    the fragrance of earth blows sweet air into the atmosphere
    and fills the senses with scents so complete
    spring is like a hope that is going to take a renewal flight
    as I await your arrival to Earth.

    So in the stillness of the new day
    a May’s evening’s beauty lights the way
    It’s a promise of life, a feeling so bright
    a gift from nature, in the moon’s glow
    my favorite kind of day ended with you
    in my arms as they placed you on my chest
    May 15th will forever be my favorite kind of day
    the day you light up my spirit with your presence.

    Famo Musa

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow! Congratulations on your baby. This is a beautiful piece. It is so creatively written. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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