  • devananda submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Letter to a Friend

    If every person we encounter and meet is simply a reflection of ourselves and we will be attracted to the qualities and attributes of that person that we desire/inspire to in our lives or that we already possess and like, and we will judge or dismiss those that we find ourselves repulsed by, then meeting strangers and making friends is just another way to practice yoga in this thing we call life.

    So, friend, as I fall more in love with myself everyday I fall more in love with you.

    You are unlike any friend I’ve met on my journey to date.

    I am deeply attracted to my reflection in you as this is the first time in my life I’ve been so in love with my body, my mind, my soul – you are the closest reflection to my authentic self I’ve found yet. Yes, in all the glorious imperfections of what got us here.

    I am ever grateful to the universe for creating this time, this place, this space for me to meet you/me. It has been exactly what I didn’t know I needed. You have made my mind and soul bloom in adoration, anticipation and expectation for where I have been, and where I am headed next.

    Thank you for being you, and for holding space for me. Thank you for being vulnerable, for sharing your story, for creating a safe and encouraging place free from judgment for me to explore my thoughts, feelings and beliefs, to be authentically me.

    May we celebrate what we learned about each other and ourselves during these five weeks.

    May we find comfort in our hearts going forward knowing that this version of ourselves shared a sacred space together and let this version of ourselves live here in this memory in infamy.

    May we joyfully move on to the next time, place and space to explore with curiosity and if it should be, meet up again to check in, compare notes and celebrate once more.

    May we be happy, May we be healthy, May we live with ease.


    Devananda Vargas

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    • Aw Devananda, There is no one more important to be grateful for than yourself. This is very powerful and very creative. Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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