Thursday, February 10th

7:30pm - 8:30pm

Unsealed Conversations – Eric LeGrand

An Unsealed Conversation with Eric LeGrand

Join us on Tuesday, December 17th, at 8:00 PM Eastern Time, as members of The Unsealed chat about their favorite quote or motto and how it inspires them. 

Eric LeGrand

Anytime I need a little extra dose of inspiration, Eric LeGrand is my first call. Eric played football at Rutgers where he became paralyzed while making a tackle in an October 2010 game. Now, he inspires a generation with his determination to one day walk again. Join us on February 10th at 7:30pm ET, as we chat with Eric about his life and his attitude.


In the meantime, check out Eric's letter to his own body.

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Thursday, February 10th

7:30pm - 8:30pm

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