Thursday, November 11th

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Unsealed Conversations – Alison Epperson

An Unsealed Conversation with Alison Epperson

Alison Epperson

Join us on Thursday (11/11) at 7:00pm ET as we chat with lawyer and advocate (and probably future president of the United States) Alison Epperson. In December of 2015, Alison Epperson's late boyfriend, Zac Easter, committed suicide. Prior to his death, he documented his symptoms and asked that his brain be dedicated to scientific research, where it was confirmed that Zac suffered from CTE. Zac played football as a child and through high school. Now, Alison is on a mission to educate people on the dangers of concussion.


In the meantime, check out Alison's letter to Zac.

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Thursday, November 11th

7:00pm - 8:00pm

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