  • wintersummers1322 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 6 months, 1 weeks ago

    the simply simples.

    Another 1st of the year
    Another round of
    “”resolution-ists’ bullshit”

    Another set..of another pair..
    Of numbers.

    No, no. No more numbers.
    Just the year of
    The More and The Less-es.
    The Simples.

    more kitchen ballet dances.
    less quiet cries.
    more lyrics that get ya
    less of the ones
    that were used..
    simply to manipulate
    more ‘look how far we’ve come’ s
    less ‘i’m supposed to be so much further’ s
    More of the simply Simples.

    “i’m sorry i hurt you.”
    “i’m here if you wanna talk.”
    “we can get through this.”
    “how can i help?”
    “it’s gonna get better.”
    “thanks for having my back.”
    “i got you–always.”
    “you’re stuck with me..”

    –xoxo A

    Autumn Harrington

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    • I literally said out loud “Awww” when I finished reading this. I can feel your heart in this piece. Don’t be afraid to have fair boundaries and expectations from yourself and others. No excuses. You are so worthy. This is the year you are going to maintain what I call your circle of peace. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family.

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    • I literally said out loud “Awww” when I finished reading this. I can feel your heart in this piece. Don’t be afraid to have fair boundaries and expectations from yourself and others. No excuses. You are so worthy. This is the year you are going to maintain what I call your circle of peace. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family.

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