

  • In The Presence of My Creator

    What I’ve come to realize is that we all long for a type of peace that surpasses all understanding and I’ve found that through Jesus Christ.

    In the presence of my Creator I’ve found PEACE.

    It’s often unexplainable to put into words how it feels to be at the feet of the one that created you.

    Oh to know that there is breakthrough, transformation, surrender, joy, PEACE in His presence makes this race a little bit easier to run.

    We can truly come to Jesus whenever and His peace will comfort us like a blanket.

    Everything washes away in His presence because He has covered us with His blood.

    The sadness is stripped away and peace arises
    The heartbreak is stripped away and peace arises
    The defeat is stripped away and peace arises
    The shame is stripped away and peace arises
    The worry is stripped away and peace arises
    The fear is stripped away and peace arises
    The doubt is stripped away and peace arises

    Peace Arises in the Presence of My Creator

    In His presence I feel most at peace because my Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

    His word says that His peace surpasses all understanding, how beautiful is it to be filled with supernatural peace

    You can only truly feel at peace when you encounter Christ

    Whitney B

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    • amen, sister! amen!
      these are wonderful words of you’re sharing!

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    • I am so glad you found a path through which you can find inner peace. This world can overwhelm and consume us all so easily and it always makes me happy to know that someone has found a way to find the eye of the storm.

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