  • Ray Whitaker shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 10 months ago

    Note from a Poet

    What are we doing as poets? To whom are we writing? It cannot be only for ones-self, not only for some sort of self-edification.

    I write for the everyday person, for those pictures in our minds we all carry. So many great poets have gone before, I’ve nearly let that intimidate me in the past, causing an unappreciated inertia.

    However there is a lot to say, today, in today’s world, in our global experience… as well as being Poets of Witness. or Poets of Agitation. Not that those roles aren’t important, they are indeed. Indeed, as well, there is a lot to say that makes a real contribution to the reader. A lot to write about, to reach into everyday experiences and promote intriguing thought in our readers of our particular niche within Poetry.

    Gotta Love Creative Writing!


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    • Amazing! Poems are very tricky to me. Just like art each viewer has their own interpretation. I’m glad your write for people in everyday situations. It does help a lot with relatable situations that we have all been in especially when we need someone to understand what we went through. Keep up the great work and write you amazing poems.

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      • How interesting to read your comment! Thank you for takig the time to do so…. One of my “Poet heros” is Carl Sandberg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Poet. Whike I have quite a few “poet heros” Mr. Sandberg stands out as one that wrote for the massses…. And his work resounded with this times in meaningful ways (1915–1918 were some of his poetry that resonated with the American experience) and I take a lesson from him…. Not so much in his writing style, however in his desire to speak to the everyday person.

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    • Poets and poetry are a very important part of my life. I also take part in poetry and I would also consider myself a poet. A fine art, and entirely new world just by using our words.

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