  • vonj submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    P. R.A.Y

    I’ve been going through some things…

    I had a dream, it was something like Dr. Kings.
    I had a dream, it was something like Dr. Kings
    But I aint have the answers Sway, so I went somewhere and prayed.

    I pray one day we all take the time out to read, so our minds will be set free. Slow down and end the programming of the music & the T.V.

    I pray we become more conscious of the things we consume, redefine what we call food.
    I pray we learn to nourish our mind, body & soul.
    I pray one day as a people we become whole.
    I pray one day, as brothers and sisters we can tend and mend each others broken wings.
    I pray we can learn to do things from our heart, and not just to be seen.

    I pray we truly believe we can fly! Without a basketball, backwood, sheets and funnel or whatever method it is you use to get high.

    I pray we stop living just to get by.
    I pray we use our voices to sing to the most high.
    I pray we look in the mirror, acknowledge and turn from our wicked behavior. For let a man examine himself.

    I pray we stop bragging about riches and strive for wealth. I pray we stop playing the game for self, the only way to win is to not even play.
    I pray we all can sit and learn to pray.

    I’m not a player, I’m a prayer.
    I pray that those who think they have to keep it on them, pray that they never have to use it. It’s a war within ourselves and some things I pray we can learn to leave on the shelves and at the altar.

    I pray we unlearn all the detrimental things they’ve taught us.
    I pray we realize it’s a spiritual war for our souls, and that it’s all mental.
    I pray we realize that sex is sacred, and learn to respect our temples.
    I pray that when it gets dark, you can be light for your peers.
    I pray that this prayer fall on open ears.
    I pray we all learn to face our fears.

    I pray we can acknowledge each other by name.
    I pray that you recognize, I am you and you are me. We’re one in the same.
    I pray we learn to hate fame. I pray that your spirit is renewed. Realizing you’re a fearless, righteous, educated and strong human. That’s F.R.E.S.H.

    I pray you know you’re not lucky. But yes, you are blessed. And yes, I pray this prayer outlives me.
    I pray you share and soak up all of this knowledge and wisdom I’ve given from my heart for free. Amen

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    • Hello,
      Your poem is very beautiful and refreshing. I appreciate the honesty and one can hope one day in the, preferably, near future, it’ll come to fruition. Thank you for your prayer.

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      • Thank you 🙏🏾 I’m glad this blessed you. Please share with anyone you feel it will bless. Just a prayer 🤲🏾 from the heart, growing up and experiencing life in Washington, DC the other side of the White House, the Capitol and the Monument.

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