  • Victoria Makanjuola shared a letter in the Group logo of A letter to my younger selfA letter to my younger self group 1 years, 8 months ago

    Dear Me 🧡

    Dear Me,

    Thank you for taking the time to sit with yourself and process your thoughts and feelings. This year, you really took yourself & your ideas seriously. Your perseverance through rejection is admirable and I appreciate you, even when others don’t.

    When you lost your job in January- you didn’t beat yourself up.

    When the bank funds were low- you leaned on your family for support while pushing through to find a new job.

    When you felt broke, busted, and disgusted- you sought wisdom in books, the Bible, and your family.

    You manifested cool opportunities & got creative with the tools at your disposal.

    To me, you may not be exactly where you want to be, however, you’ve come farther than you expected. You could’ve chosen to listen to well- meaning advice, but you listened to your gut & for that I respect you!

    Thank you for being you- which is the hardest thing to do.

    Love you for life,

    Me (V) 🧡

    Victoria Makanjuola

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    • I love this letter! You should be so proud of your strength and perseverance. I hope you always remember that whatever challenges you face in life, you have the power to handle it with strength, grace and power.

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      • Thank you so much Lauren! Your feedback is so valuable to me. Thank you for creating this platform and safe space. I look forward to the many more stories/letters/entries I create!!!

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        • I so look forward to them as well. I hope you have a. wonderful thanksgiving if I don’t see this week online. Thank you for being. a part of our family.

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    • Hi. Great letter Victoria. Perseverance in tough times is a trait that not everyone has. Clearly you do. You should be very proud. I hope you have a great thanksgiving 🙂

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      • Hi Jim. Thank you so much! I appreciate your words- I certainly needed to hear them. Persevering still by staying optimistic about the future although I don’t know what’s next. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. 😁🙏🏾

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        • You’re very welcome Victoria. Glad I could help a little bit. An yes the unknown. It’s certainly one of my biggest obstacles. I’m sure for many. But persevering seems like the only choice right?
          Thank you. Hope yours is a nice one 🙂

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    • Dear Unsealer,
      I am so glad you listened to the voice inside you and followed your heart.Keep going forward and you will have much success in all you do.


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      • Thank you so much Ms. Shelley for your kind words. I truly needed them today. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to trust ourselves in the face of uncertainty…we have to keep pushing through!
        Blessings!! 🙂

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    • Healing is a long road and can be tough to get through. It sounds to me you’re strong enough. You should be proud of yourself. Thank you for sharing

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