  • vizo2123 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 6 months, 2 weeks ago

    Mi Beautiful Musician

    The moment i locked my eyes on yours
    It felt like magic
    An instant connection
    All we did was smile at one another
    We knew what it was
    It was
    Love at first sight
    For the first time in my life
    I felt a feeling i haven’t felt before
    It’s not the same old saying
    Oh i like her cause she’s different from the rest
    It’s a feeling where my heart beats a million beats a minute
    It’s pounding out my chest to the
    Sound of your voice
    By the way you look at me
    Your intellectual mind
    Your touching soul
    Your glowing smile
    How big you heart is
    Mi amor i truly am thankful for you
    And all you do
    You show me you love me
    That you care
    You have my heart
    I wish to not part
    To this special woman i love
    I’ve fallen in love
    You make my life worth while
    You take my away from my reality
    Only you are not a dream my love
    You are real and true
    I get lost in you
    I never thought it was gonna be like this
    Such a bliss
    You amaze me
    This is true
    Baby soon you’ll know it’s true
    How grateful i am for you
    I’ll express how i feel
    To show you what i feel is real

    Vision W

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    • Vision, this piece feels magical. It is such a beautiful reminder of the magic of love, connection, and destiny. You are so lucky to have experienced such a sweet and magical love. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being such a big part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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