  • vizo2123 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 6 months, 2 weeks ago

    Ideal Self

    My best self is truly joyful
    Not letting the little things bother
    Live with ease
    Proceed with caution
    Not everyone has pure intentions
    Stop giving to those whom don’t give back
    Don’t Stress on situations you can’t control
    Be you
    No matter what
    Don’t let anyone change the woman you have become
    You’ve come such a long way
    Through pain in the past
    To get you where you are now
    You are Poet
    You are a Singer
    You are a true writer
    Here’s to sharing your story with the world
    Using your words and melody
    Smiling even though you’re hurting
    This growth i see
    This Vision
    Our Journey is here
    It’s Ours
    Patience is key
    Persistence is needed
    Be Consistent
    You are no longer distant
    You are me
    We are one
    Us as one will become
    Everything we dreamed of
    In time we will see
    What it takes to
    Express me

    Vision W

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    • Vision, This is excellent. I love this part:

      Our Journey is here
      It’s Ours
      Patience is key
      Persistence is needed
      Be Consistent
      You are no longer distant

      I feel like so much of what you want to be is who you already are.

      Keep shining.


      Write me back 

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