

  • “And because of Him-so poor, yet rich you stood” My favorite line 🦋
    Thank you for sharing I imagined it all in my head. Especially the part with you showing off the snakes in class and having to chase them all along side the boys.
    Thank you for existing ✨

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    • I appreciate you so much Vanessa, I’m gonna have to look on your profile soon. When someone appreciates you for who you are-I think that is very cool! Ty for being and having a positive person and attitude!

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  • Vanessa Aguirre responded to a letter in topic Poetry 2 months ago

    Thank you for your kind words and reply, I appreciate the feedback deeply. It’s not the type of race that finishes with the speediest as the winners. It’s in fact the turtles that win the biggest prizes in life. I’m sorry you too had a difficult childhood, a narrative too common in this world. I’m hopeful that will change soon. Yes, smiles are the keys to joy. Thank you for helping me smile today 😊🦋

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    • Your welcome, hope you keep smiling often! And thank you as well for making me smile back, tears come with most of my smiles…But their good tears !!! 🙂

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  • Vanessa Aguirre responded to a letter in topic Poetry 2 months ago

    Ahh! Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate you this means so much to me. This is my first time sharing my art. I am so happy in this moment. I can’t express that enough. I’m hopeful more people will heal and give themselves the flowers they have always deserved.
    Thank you, Thank you

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  • Vanessa Aguirre shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months ago

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