  • Don’t Remain Suppressed

    To my younger self.
    Don’t remain suppressed.
    What’s next?
    Constantly stressed.
    Life’s a mess.
    Let out my younger self.
    Emotionally flex.
    Don’t compete complement.
    Out loud in text.
    No’s and yes.
    Dirty and fresh.
    Poor and blessed.
    Let out my younger self
    Don’t remain suppressed.

    Kelly Wolff

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kelly, I love this!! Do not suppress your childhood self! She is the first chapter of your story and even though there may have been things you don’t want to remember or regrets that you may have from that time, you can’t ever forget about her. Don’t leave her in the past just because you have changed. Celebrate her! It may be difficult, but I know that a little piece of her will forever be within you and the only thing to do now is love her as much as you can. ♥

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