

  • Dear Romeo

    Dear Romeo,

    Since you’ve been gone, all I can think about is what you taught me. I am so
    grateful to have learned so many life lessons from you. You were my best
    friend and almost my lover too. Here is some of your best advice:
    ● Don’t dress like an elf (even though I still have my elf shoes, I
    coordinate them now . . . most days anyway).
    ● Don’t hang up the phone without saying a proper goodbye and giving
    the other person a chance to do the same.
    ● Don’t dance to music ridiculously; appreciate it.
    ● Appreciate items genuinely when someone lets you borrow them and
    make sure to give them back.
    ● Be extra patient with the people you love.
    ● Be thankful and grateful for the little things and smallest of gifts.
    ● Learn by doing.
    ● Get sincerely excited when something awesome is happening (like
    being at a Flogging Molly concert)
    ● Love the planet, protect it, and stand up for it, even if you fail.
    ● Go to the places you have always dreamed of going, and do the things
    you have always dreamed of doing.
    ● Appreciate great music (metal bands like Of Mice and Men, Attila,
    beautiful bands like Pretty Lights, and some goofy 80’s and 90’s bands
    like New Kids on the Block)
    ● Always make time for the people you love.
    ● Be yourself and don’t worry about impressing people.
    ● Love the quiet spots of home (Beans Bottom, the pump house, etc.)
    ● Never feel like you have to deal with anything alone. Those who love
    you the most will never let that happen.
    Your Best Friend,

    Juliet (K-Bro)

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Katrina, this is so sweet. It is crazy how one person, without even knowing it, can inspire us and change our lives in so many different ways. My favorite line of yours is ” Be thankful and grateful for the little things and smallest of gifts” because it really is such great advice. Some people don’t experience things you might take for granted.…read more

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    • I love that he said always make time for people you love, get excited about something awesome that is happening. Sometimes, we get more excited for other people than our own stuff. This was a very genuine story. Loved it and I’m sorry for your loss.

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