

  • aw thank you so much for the kind words and for taking the time to read my poem 🙂 I am happy to be here!

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  • Nurturing my ideal human soul

    Dear my Ideal Self,
    I hear you no longer accept fear cradling you comfortably in what you already know. Rumor has it anxiety no longer serves you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You’ve shed it like a dead coat to reveal a set of silky new feathers. Like the last evolution in the zodiac of the scorpio you have become the phoenix. What is it like to be the best version of an ever growing self? Can you guide me there like a shepherd to water? I am willing to be uncomfortable on the journey just to taste a new life. You no longer wield anger around freely. You have learned the ego is a trickster and has no value on the weight of our inner self. That being so careless with hate can damage the people who care for you deeply. You have mastered letting it go because this is your human experience. It doesn’t benefit you to hold it so close as if there is nothing else in this life to use as fuel. What does it feel like to have a grand drive carried by joy and passion? You have found the secret and understand you are enough regardless of any external factors. Loving yourself so fondly you decide everyday is another blessing to spend creating something to fill your spirit. Your soul is the house you’ve always imagined and the lights are on most of the time. Tell me, my ideal self… What is it like to feel sadness greatly but know you will recover? You have the coping skills to nurse yourself well despite the unexpected blows of mortal existence. What is it like to stand so firm at the core of one’s being? You have much knowledge but know you do not know it all. There is a grand prize for having let go trying to manipulate everything towards your desire. The universe knows what you need and does not care for what you want. Gracefully you act on as well as listen to the lessons that have been set in this life. My ideal self oh how I now understand she has been with me all of this time. Flourishing everyday into an amazing human being and I accept my challenges with open palms. I am marvelous in all my forms and worthy of love. I just keep growing and that to me is ideal.


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    • You are so right, you are ideal self has been with you all along. It sounds like your ideal self just figured out what to hold on to in life, what you should let go of — that is quite powerful. Your ideal self it on its way. Keep leaning into the powers that are already within you. Thank you for sharing and thank you fo being part of The U…read more

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