  • somflow submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

    Nouns - Unforeseen Strangers

    To the nouns, unforeseen strangers of my life – people, places and things that has profoundly impacted my life positively, thank you!
    As life offers a host of simplicities and complexities, it is certain that it can’t be lived in a linear fashion because it’s to great not to be encountered and explored as a roller coaster of passion.
    So to write a letter or poem to a singular stranger is very difficult to do as the nouns of our daily lives, people who may touch our souls, a discovered place that elevates our hearts and minds and the many splendid things yet to unravel, it’s a safe bet to roll the dice of life, guaranteed to be peppered with spice!

    Melanie Hudson

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    • Melanie, I agree so many people come in and out of our lives, and each offers a different and unique impact. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and for being a part of our family. <3 Lauren

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