
skye521's Letters

Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her

To Mckenna with a lowercase k

I like the way you changed your name whenever you felt like it, and that you decided the “k” in your first name was lowercase even though it wasn’t that way on your birth certificate.

I like how brutally honest you were, even to your own detriment- when your kindergarten teacher told you she was going to report your bad behavior to your mom when…read more

Write a letter or poem to your younger self about why he or she shouldn’t worry about the future

To the 14-year-old who was afraid of hell

I wish I could take some of your fear
And spread it out on the earth
Let it sit awhile
Until it dissipates
Under the glow of the sun

I wish I could help you find
The life that exists beyond the small gray car
On the Ohio interstate
Heading straight into darkness.

I wish I could tell you
It’s not too late
To reenter the world of light
One…read more

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