

  • shortcort93 shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 2 weeks, 4 days ago

    Unintentional Cosmic Coincidence

    Life is certainly premeditated, at least mine is. I’m sure humans are walking this planet that lack a soul, maybe by never having one at biological birth, or losing it somewhere along the way. The details of others’ destined paths I’m not certain. I’m hardly certain of my own.
    I’ve known and fully believed for many years, that my soul chose this human life for a reason, or even a few of them. I’m also open to the heavy possibility of there being multiple versions of myself living all at once; past, present, and future Corts in every dimension. So basically endless Corts through the fibers of spacetime. I count on their guidance and keep them in the loop of my life hoping it keeps me connected to them.
    This one though, this dimension and this Universe, This is the one I’m in and I know there’s a reason, a beneficial purpose. I have run into some cute, little, star-dusted reminders that I am only partially from this Earth in this human journey that I’ve Chosen.
    It’s ridiculous to think that my most recent cosmic coincidence came from a potential jewelry idea. It clicked that my kid’s zodiac signs are my BIG 3. It took me almost 8 years to notice because I haven’t always been aware of what my big three were. It wasn’t until these last few years that I started diving deeper into my spirituality to express and avenge my higher self.
    I’ve always been in tune with myself and with the little people I made and introduced to Earth. I know they are meant for me, as I am for them. Through loving and guiding them, I can love and guide the little Cort that’s in all of them, healing the one that’s in me.


    ~ Arriving in the Winter, a fortnight late on the middlemost day of February, I am an Aquarius Sun. Boldly communicative and rational. Deep-thinking and creative, Aquarians are natural-born unconventional artists. With that comes stubborn independence and a lack of impulse control. That small description perfectly sums up not only myself but my oldest son. Colt was also two weeks late, landing his arrival at the end of January, making him too, an Aquarius Sun. Our brains are wired almost identically. He struggles and wanders the exact way I did. This kid and I have been soul-bonded since my blood became his which is why it’s always made sense we shared this sign. Our ponders come with purpose and our wanders aren’t mindless, we are very much in our mind. So deep, we leave our bodies behind. We’re often misunderstood and criticized, it’s hard to be patient with us from the outside. I can be his voice when he can’t find the words to be sure he’s taken seriously. And assure him that his mind works with his quirks.
    ~ I had my first two kids in the same place I was born. Technically, moved a little and rebuilt but, under the same set of stars. Being born under those stars that cold February morning makes me a Taurus Rising. That implies that I’m determined as a Taurus because I come off calm and together (not always the case). It supports my Aquarian talents when it comes to art and leadership, suggesting I try to bring harmony and understanding to conflict. My first was an emergency surgery, so my second needed to be a scheduled one. I picked the furthest date possible; my first was overdue and turned out perfect. Repeat, please. That made me a week and a half past due. I was only 20, star placement hadn’t even crossed my mind. Having Lakyn Reid at the end of April made him my Taurus Sun son. He is talkative, clever, and emotionally determined, but also headstrong and stubborn. He’s always moved at his own pace and won’t be bothered by anything outside of his interest. It’s interesting that my Lake and I share this particular sign in this relation. My ego has been starved and fed on a fluctuating scale throughout my human walk, but my appearance has always been my most perceivable quality, good and bad. When my blood became his, he became another version of me. He could be my clone, we are identical. He’s got the quick wit and vast sense of humor I cultivated, that kept me likable when my appearance couldn’t. He will struggle and thrive at the hands of his appearance, all I can do is help him love himself sooner than I did.
    ~ The Waning Cresent moon was high and mighty that morning and ensured that I was blessed with a Sagittarius Moon placement. The set stage for my emotions and the door to my intuition; my Sag Moon is responsible for my narrowly optimistic outlook and my yearning for the freedom to take wonderous adventures in search of something deeper, to find a fulfilling purpose… I was medically and legally infertile when my blood became Korbyns. By my third, I was confident in my power to start my child’s life when I wanted them out of me and our daughter wasn’t much different. Arriving the first week of December, Korbyn Teal locked in her Sagittarius Sun with plenty of lag room all around. She’s loving, energetic, and curious. She’s so smart and loves to learn, always asking questions, and always looking for answers. This girl is full of spunk and confidence in a way I never was. She will speak up when I didn’t. Learn and grow in a way I couldn’t mentally or physically. I can support her and give her the tools to be great and do great things by just being her.

    I’m not sure if this is common, maybe other parents can relate. I can’t take credit because it was unintentional on my part. The Universe, however, knew exactly what it was doing. This creative twist shows me that I’m on course and things have always been going exactly as they’re supposed to.

    Short Cort

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  • Your kind words are more than appreciated! Thanks so much <3

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  • Dad's Not Always Right

    Hey you, it’s me..
    I’m sorry if you’re busy..
    I was kind of hoping you’d be down for reminiscing.
    Remember that time in the car with dad,
    Gwen Safani on the radio, feet on the dash?
    He said “If you memorized schoolwork like song lyrics and sounds.. you’d be passing all your classes, Kid.. Hey. Feet down.”
    Beats are simple and lyrics roll off our tongue; a talent that was slightly discredited when we were young.
    Easier than Math, Spelling, Science, or anything that’s required. You know, all that stuff that makes us tired.
    But the high we get when our pitch is in sync, or the satisfaction that throbs when we lay a verse on a beat; it’s no little thing, but a passion to discuss..
    It’s a thrill, it’s a rush. It’s what I love about us.
    Do what makes us feel good, make our heart skip.
    Humanity is an experience, let’s make it a trip.
    Keep feeling what others feel and adjust accordingly.
    Be real. Be You. Just keep being Cortney.

    Short Cort

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cortney, this is truly inspiring. Many people have had memories tarnished by others’ behavior, and it is unfortunate to think about it this way. Even though your Dad may have nagged you about school and other things, that never determined your value as a person or who you “had to” become. You make the choices you think are best for you. I am glad…read more

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  • I’ll stay just like you ✨

    We weren’t supposed to me meet like this;
    the same soul, just a little later in the trip.
    A reunion, despite the illusion of time,
    trying to make sure I leave you behind.
    To become different versions,
    or stumble on a purpose that shows us what our worth is.
    That’s when we notice how fast the earth spins..
    Time and life aren’t linear,
    we need a different point of view.
    We’ll be genuine and real, empathetic and cool.
    I’ll grow up and stay just like you. ✨

    Short Cort

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    • Awww I love how short and sweet this is. This feels like a little morning affirmation I’d listen to to get my day started. I love the message about the illusion of time and the fact that we don’t grow in straight lines! Wonderful job 🙂

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    • Aww, this piece is so sweet and cute just like that picture of little you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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