  • shelleybrill shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 years, 7 months ago

    To My Surprise, I Found My Courage

    It was 12 months into the covid pandemic. It was a very challenging time for the world. Personally, I was struggling. I hadn’t seen my daughter for a year and only saw my son from a long distance a few times even though he lived close by.
    Then we started to be feel bolstered by the fact that a vaccine was coming in April. Could this vaccine really change the trajectory of this virus? Could I see my daughter again who was isolated alone in a building in florida? A year is a very long time to to be separated from your child. I was hopeful but frightened.
    What was I frightened about? Actually the exact thing that gave me hope at the same time really scared me as well. I wondered. Is this vaccine safe? How would it effect my health, my husband’s health and my children’s health. What would happen when they injected the virus into my body. I had always worked so hard to live a healthy lifestyle. Now I was putting a new vaccine into my body that did not have many years of research behind it. It was not just scary. It was terrifying.
    Well the day came when my
    husband and I had to drive to Jersey City Medical Center to get that first vaccine. We both were nervous but I decided to trust the scientists and pharmaceutical industry which I have been a part of for the last 45 years. Since Alan and I are older we were getting the vaccine before our children. This turned into another form of motivation for me. I thought I will take this vaccine to give researchers more information as to how people tolerate the vaccine. So we masked up to the point that Alan and I looked like astronauts going into space. We gave the nurse our information, rolled up our sleeves. I started to sob. I cried for several reasons. Sadness for all the suffering covid had brought to the world, fear I was going to die at that moment but most importantly I cried because I arrived at this moment where I found my bravery. I faced my fear took the shot and thought perhaps our world would turn around and we could reunite with love ones. Perhaps we could all live again. My tears eventually turned to joy and pride that day. Could there be a light at the end of this dark tunnel? Well I am here and thank goodness my family is too.

    Shelley Brill

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    • Hello Mrs. Brill,

      Thanks for sharing this. You were definitely not alone in having so many emotions related to the vaccine. I had a lot of emotions surrounding it too. I find it refreshing when people are able to share their emotions so freely and vulnerably without putting down people who have different perspectives. Your letter is so raw, real and vulnerable and I think that is the best way to form a generation of empowered women.

      ~Hannah G.

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    • OMG, this touched me so much, I felt it so deeply, because I understood every word stated. I too was scared of the vaccine, not only because it was new, but because I have/had many other illnesses that the vaccine may effect and I think it did, but I wanted to spend time with my daughter/grandkids, so I did it. But a little time after having it, I began to have serious issues with fatigue, and I’m sure it’s because I have Afib, diabetes, as well as in the early stages of Kidney diseases, so I know that the vaccine effected 1-2 of these illnesses, but I’m grateful top still be here moving around to spend all the time I want with my family, so I don’t think on the complications it may have caused, and I’ve had them all, except that last booster shot. Yes, believe me, I feel you deeply.

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    • Covid was such a scary time. The vaccines were even scarier for a second there. I can’t believe that we as a collective experienced something so chaotic. I’m so glad that you were able to face your fear and we’re able to reunite with your loved ones. Thank you for sharing.

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