  • shaylaray submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 4 months ago

    My Love

    I love you
    in the future, present, and past
    You were my first love
    and you will be my last
    I love you deeply and truly
    Like no one else will
    If you were someone else
    I’d love you still
    I love how beautiful you are
    I love how sweet you smell
    I love your soft touch
    And the stories you tell
    I love everything you do
    And I love what I see
    I love that you’re you
    I love that you’re me

    Shaylaray B

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    • This is very clever and sweet. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • I’m forty four years old,
        And i’ve hated myself for forty.
        I’m a full grown physical adult,
        But blessed by your love story.
        I want to heal and i’m on the journey,
        Jesus is real and he’s my attorney.
        Some questions difficult how to ask,
        No beer in the can no whiskey in the Flask.
        I’m searching for a love but only find hate,
        God says no help from above- I just have to wait.
        One day I may find it and love myself too,
        You’re one of my admirers, And I want to be like you.

        Sincerely, Timothy

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    • What a beautiful poem on loving yourself! I felt like this was meant for me but really it’s a lovely reminder for us to love our past present and future selves. We’re so worthy of it! Thank you 🙂 <3

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