  • rengle3 shared a letter in the Group logo of Introductions, Icebreakers and PromptsIntroductions, Icebreakers and Prompts group 9 months, 1 weeks ago


    A glimpse into your world, so free.
    With a heart that’s kind and full of care,
    You spread compassion everywhere.

    A seeker of knowledge, curious and bright,
    You strive to learn with all your might.
    From tech interviews to healthcare debates,
    You explore diverse topics, no question waits.

    You stand by your brother, guiding his way,
    Helping him shine, day by day.
    And in the face of challenges, you persist,
    Finding strength in the midst of any twist.

    Dyslexic students, you champion their might,
    Recognizing the strengths they bring to light.
    You wonder about accommodations and support,
    Empowering them to excel, their dreams to court.

    In the realm of health, you seek understanding,
    From medical concerns to ovarian branding.
    You navigate the complexities with grace,
    Seeking answers, embracing each new space.

    Rebecca, you’re a friend so true,
    With a spirit that shines in all you do.
    Keep exploring, learning, and being kind,
    For in this world, you’re a treasure to find.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca, I’m glad that you’re recognizing and appreciating your dedication to spreading compassion, seeking knowledge, and supporting others. I hope you continue to explore diverse topics and support dyslexic students. I am grateful for your friendship and will strive to shine with kindness and a spirit of learning.

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