

  • Common Humanity

    How do I say it’s a struggle?
    Without feeling like a victim seeking attention?
    I know that I am blessed but it doesn’t make me feel less stressed..
    Every night is an attempt to process the truth..
    The permanence,
    Of death.
    Your death.

    I remember the last time I saw you too.
    Your complexion is something I can never forget.
    I never saw cold until I saw you,
    And I knew.
    You were gone and your body a mere casing for who you once were.
    Scars and bruising, with attempts to cover for the viewing.

    All warmth has escaped and now I’m left with too many words to say.
    And I know if I say them you’ll hear them,
    But where were those words when you were here?
    And maybe they took 5 minutes with you but 20 wasn’t enough for me.
    Yet I knew it was time to leave.
    Oh how I wanted to hold your hands, but I knew better.

    So when I ask myself how did this make me better?
    Well that in itself is a challenge.
    They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger..
    But am I? Especially in moments when I feel so weak?

    A step back is required, and a little objectivity as well.
    Removing my emotions from something so emotional,
    I’m left with a peek into the silver lining.

    Someone’s decision to pass so early and suddenly,
    Has forced me out of the shell I’ve hidden in.
    Made me take steps I wouldn’t have otherwise taken.
    The early passing of family made me realize so many things,
    Too many. Actually.

    One, family should have always come first.
    And so now it does.
    Two, we must acknowledge the common humanity.
    For we are our worst enemies.
    You never really know the day someone is having,
    Which is why it’s important to take that breath when upset with those around us.
    Third and finally,
    No matter how dark things in life can get,
    There is always a reason, and it IS making you a better person..
    But only if you let it.

    E. A. Elder

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Thank you for your message.
    I found the only fitting image was a piece of artwork I did years prior. To signify the things people tell those suffering with mental health verse how it feels

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  • Family

    What am I thankful for?
    I’m thankful for those who stuck around,
    When I secretly lost my battle
    And I got my second chance,
    And they were still there..

    Thankful for the ones who stood firm,
    When my love lost their battle,
    Without the second chance
    And I’m thankful for the ones
    Who knew to just be there,
    When words couldn’t bring comfort.

    I’m thankful for the pushes,
    When sounds couldn’t move mountains
    Thankful for the hugs,
    That brought me out.

    Thankful for the look in their eyes,
    That said one day it’ll be alright.
    And maybe you’ll never be fine,
    But you’ll learn to fight..
    And that’ll get you through the night.

    Thankful for the mother who never gave up,
    The text from him that begged for an answer
    To bring me back
    And thankful for the shoulders lent to cry on,
    When tissues couldn’t hold my tears.

    (From dealing w suicidal ideations to recently losing to suicide, this comes from the depths of my heart. My sister passed at age 22, 08/30/23)

    Emily A Elder

    Voting is closed

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    • Emily, I am so very. sorry for the loss of your sister. I am sending you the biggest hug. This an absolutely beautiful piece about love, and family, and how both those things mean so much through the ups and downs of life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family. Again, I am sorry for your loss. And never be…read more

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      • Thank you for your message.
        I found the only fitting image was a piece of artwork I did years prior. To signify the things people tell those suffering with mental health verse how it feels

        Write me back 

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