  • poetrypicasso submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Love Letter to my Love Handles

    I like the way
    You get gripped
    In the palms of a man
    Ravenous in his pursuit
    To hold everything
    From my neck
    To my hips.
    He takes his time
    With you
    Because he knows you
    To be special
    To be precious and beautiful

    I’m sorry
    I had to see your beauty
    Through someone else’s eyes.
    So now,
    I write this poem with pride
    Waving my pen like it’s
    A flag for my flawes.

    So let this serve
    As a love letter
    To my love handles
    A memento
    To my muffin top
    A song for my stretchmarks
    A poem for my pudge
    Feels for my fupa
    Cuz I ain’t missin no meals

    Let this serve
    As an apology
    To some of the best parts
    Of my body.
    I was told to shame you.
    Taught to be embarrassed
    By you.
    I’ve tried to chase you away
    Dance you away
    Bike you away
    But you’re persistence
    Perseveres –
    And inspires me.
    If you can hold on
    Where you’re told you don’t belong,
    Where might I learn to rise
    Despite resistance?

    So thank you.
    Thank you for
    Thank you for
    Thank you for
    Thank you for
    Making outfits
    Someone else said
    You would ruin.
    Thank you for
    Being there for lovers.
    Thank you for
    Being there for me.


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • More than just a body, you are soul beautiful. I am sorry that you felt sorry for seeing love through another’s eyes, beautiful mind. We are all learning and not a single one of us done. That was precious. I like it. Love yourself, love.

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    • Poetry Picasso,Your beautiful poem celebrates and embraces every part of your body, including the parts society has taught you to be ashamed of. Thank you for the reminder to love and appreciate ourselves as we are. Your words inspire and empower.

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    • This piece is so beautiful, unique, and authentic! I love all of it. You are amazing. Every bit of you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • I love the alliteration you use! It makes it flow so smooth just like the curves of a woman’s body.

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