

  • Appreciate yourself

    Appreciate yourself and enjoy being you.
    A quote, I created which embodies embracing your original being.
    I’ve experienced persons ridiculing me for the way I choose to live my life.
    Like what does the clothes I wear or the way I choose to comb my hair have to do with you?
    Just let me be, and that is the way I choose to live;
    to appreciate myself natural self.
    After all, everyone has their likes and dislikes.

    S. Griffith

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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  • Dare to Dream

    Dare to dream and use the resources at hand.
    Social media was my canvas, but I misread its purpose. Instead of pursuing poetry contests, I spent time on irrelevant posts. Now, I focus on achieving my ambition, which is my top priority.

    Saskia Griffith

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • A Dream...Yet to come through...

    n the twilight’s glimmer, I write my dreams. Verse flows like a moonlit brook. Yet to taste the complete embrace, Of a life where words have a place. Hope whispers softly in every line, Future’s canvas, pure and lovely. I wait with a sincere heart for the dawn of dreams.

    The rejections I have been receiving, hurts alot.
    I use them as a motivation, for I know one day, my dream will come through.
    In the meantime I’ll continue to pen my beautiful verses.

    S. Griffith

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Saskia, you have such an amazing perspective! Even though you have been rejected, you keep pushing and will keep doing what you know is right for you! I am so proud of you for being able to overcome that. Keep up the great work ♥

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  • Dear 'inner Child'

    I feel stuck, for I was never an outgoing child.
    I preferred to stay indoors with my head buried into a book,
    reading my heart out.
    If only, had I realized my passion earlier on,
    I would’ve certainly been better off.
    Instead of dragging myself to a job I’m only entertaining to pay the bills,
    I would’ve been doing what I love all day long.
    This is something I’ll always regret.
    I hope I didn’t miss the bus and will be able to become a published writer one day.

    S. Griffith

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I can connect to what you wrote on a personal level. I, too, was always shy and preferred reading over socializing. Even today, I am a bit of a homebody who would rather stay in than go out and face the crowd. While I used to think this was “wrong”, I appreciate it about myself now. We just have to find our people. Thank you for sharing your experience!

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  • Dear Favourite cousin...

    The news shattered my heart into pieces,
    hearing that you were gone,
    caused me to lose my appetite instantly.
    We were close, and you were best cousin I had.
    Even though there were times we fought, we always made up in no time.
    At your funeral, reality really did hit me;
    You were really gone.
    It ached my heart to see you lying there, so helpless.
    I couldn’t hold the tears anymore, I allowed it all to flow freely,
    As I cried my eyes out in my mother’s arms.
    You were really gone,
    and I was never going to be able to see you again.
    But I know you’re resting in that beautiful garden on the other side.
    Continue to rest in sweet paradise until we meet again.

    S. Griffith

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Saskia, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a person so close to you is never easy and I can’t imagine what you went through after he passed. Just know that the love you two shared is infinite and the memories you made will always be remembered. Even though this is hard, you can get through this, you’re so strong!! ♥♥

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  • Poetic Peace

    Life at work is difficult,
    for I feel the most uncomfortable while being there.
    It surely isn’t my passion,
    I’m only settling and enduring all of the unnecessary discomfort;
    just to pay the bills.
    I find my peace in poetry.
    I enjoy sitting alone in my corner where I csn block out all of the negative noisez;
    so I can pen beautiful pieces of poetry to share with those who care.


    Voting is closed

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    • I’m right there with you on this one, Poetry is Peace!

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    • I love this poem, Saskia! Working life can be stressful and upsetting, especially if you don’t like the job you are completing. Don’t be afraid to pursue your peace! Do what you like to do! Even though your other job is paying the bills, I encourage you to find more challenges like these so you can become more recognized if that is truly what…read more

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    • Beautifully written and so true…I’ve tried to write my story but can’t seem to pencil down the negativity. Poetry is to beautiful, never loose your peace.

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