  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years ago

    The Cocoon Phase

    I wrote this poem back in March, but it’s come back to life now. With a nod to Dr. Nicole LePera, the holistic psychologist.

    The Coccoon Phase

    A time where I hold back
    To dissapear from the world
    Figuring out who I am

    As the strands wrap around me
    There’s no space left
    For worries, doubts or fears
    All I see is the cocoons interior

    It’s all white & empty

    Full of blank space
    Separated from all that’s been

    As I sit within the silence
    Planning my metamorphosis
    Wings of inner strength form

    Given time…
    I will emerge frozm the cocoon

    To fly high in the sky

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    • Beautifully said. Life has many stages and I can see why many people enter the cocoon phase. I myself have entered this phase many times. Every time you reemerge from this phase you become stronger and more beautiful than before.

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    • I love this … it’s like you are giving yourself a blank slate to emerge into the next phase of your life… a launching pad to experience the greatness you have to offer the world! Love it! <3 Lauren

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    • beautiful, a view from the cocoon, a place we tend to overlook in rush towards wings. Lucky for us, we can return and rebuild them to fly in a new way.

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    • The cocoon stage is a great form of symbolizing the flow of life and the changes we go through. And it’s also a very good form of imagery and in my opinion this counts as a double entendre because the cocoon stage has to do with butterflies and the changes they go through to be the best form of themselves and this can also symbolize the changes we go through on a daily is the search to become the best versions of ourselves.

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