  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 months ago

    Under April Skies

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s the first day of April. And that’s no fooling.

    I know, I can hardly believe it either as it felt like the year was just starting five minutes ago.

    But we’ve arrived at the second quarter of this year. And there’s mostly a blank slate right now. That’s the beauty of each day though, the canvas is there for creation to happen in whatever form we choose.

    With that idea in mind, I welcome in the month of April:

    Under the April skies
    A new month begins

    30 days, with a blank slate ahead
    A breather after New Year’s, Valentine’s and Easter have all gone

    A month where rain falls
    The flowers and leaves will surely grow
    Under blissful sunny skies

    So will the creativity
    In the midst of NaPoWriMo
    The poems will come fast and furious

    With a new quarter of the year on tap
    Where will life go from here?

    Under April skies
    I’ll let the days and nights flow
    From there, I’ll know where to go

    Oswald Perez

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    • Oswald Perez, keep embracing the blank slate and let your creativity soar under the April skies. With the rain nurturing growth, immerse yourself in NaPoWriMo and let the poems flow. Trust the journey ahead as you navigate the new quarter of the year and discover where life will take you.

      Write me back 

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