

  • Dear Emmers

    To Little Emmers

    In a world where dreams ignite,
    Hold onto magic, shining bright.
    Don’t let anyone dim your light,
    Embrace your uniqueness, take flight.

    Friendships may ebb and flow,
    But true connections will grow.
    In the pages of books, find solace and grace,
    Let their wisdom guide your embrace.

    Challenges and heartache may appear,
    But remember, my dear, you’re never alone, my dear.
    The worlds within those stories hold profound might,
    They’ll teach you lessons beyond your sight.

    Keep reading, keep learning, and let your mind expand,
    For surprises await, just around the bend.
    Like a magician, weave your spells,
    Embrace the unknown, break free from your shell.

    Though the future remains veiled,
    Know that magic and wonder will never be curtailed.
    You, dear Emmers, have the power to transform,
    Your worth is immeasurable, like a precious charm.

    So never lose that spark, that creative fire,
    For it will guide you higher and higher.
    People may disappoint, but don’t let them define,
    For amidst the shadows, true friendships will shine.

    Remember, Little Emmers, you’re not alone,
    In this journey of life, you’ll find your own.
    Trust in magic, let your imagination soar,
    For in your heart, true wonders forever adore.

    With love,
    Your Future Self


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Emily, this is SO cute! I love how kind and gentle you were to your younger self while also providing so much wisdom in your thoughts. You did and still do have the opportunity and freedom to change your life anytime you want to. You can do anything!! I believe in you ♥

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  • Lost and Found

    Before the storms weathered what feels like such an old soul
    The golden hues of my hair, before I tried to fit into someone else’s mold
    Laughing and screaming while falling from trees
    No tears spilled over skinned knees
    Hushed yelling cursed names spewed
    I quickly learned I mustn’t break any rules
    Now quiet and reserved never missing a social cue
    I once was so brave not even my family had a clue
    The resilience I had at such a young age
    Always putting on my happy face I smile and wave
    She’s such a good girl isn’t that what they always would say
    As I quickly grew up so ahead of my time
    I made sure to never lose my shine
    Adventure seeker turned people pleaser
    She always remembered her name laughing off all of the pain
    Authentically you, never afraid to steer off to catch a good view
    Jumping into lakes to beat the heat
    Making potions in the kitchen when I should’ve been asleep
    Stirring the pot never over thinking a single thought
    Sneaking midnight snacks popcorn in between laughs

    Chronically misunderstood
    As wild as the Florida wind
    Emotions flooding through like a hurricane
    Hushed through the pain
    Left alone to cry out the shame
    Return with a smile learning to constrain my wild
    Find hope through art only for it to be torn apart
    Strong enough to stand again
    Each time I was shoved a mark was left
    A feeling that has since remained in my chest
    An ache in my heart
    But my love stayed true
    Once a fighter refusing to let them break you
    Golden hues turned dark and untamed
    Always regaining my light after every rain
    Picking up the pieces taking others parts as my own
    All the love I gave came back to me through the unknown
    Following blindly the ones I admired
    Down the darkest paths of desire
    I learned my way from such a young age
    I fought the course only to be brought back to it once more
    All the hope left my body I left it with the sea
    I’ll dive again and bring it all back to me
    I see that young girl with golden hair teaching her that while life isn’t always fair to never shrink or lose her flair
    So here I declare to repave the path I thought was my heir
    I see the world through those young dark eyes
    As the years have soared by they’ve lightened over time
    When I fight I fight for you
    I heal for you
    Your resilience is now mine
    My peace will be ours

    Once so wild and carefree
    Laughing singing falling from trees
    As I heal for me I hurt for you
    Breaking free from the chains finally living without all this pain

    I stood tall and proud filled with dreams until I fell from the clouds
    But as I age and have learned grace
    I smile back reminiscing about your face
    The courage in you stayed true until your light burned out
    I don’t think we truly believed our doubts
    As we find our way back to each other
    Our light starts to burn brighter than ever
    Our flame ignites once more the magic ignites together we soar
    You were strong for me and now I fight for you

    Gabrielle Vizzini

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Gabrielle, what a beautiful message. I love where you said, “Authentically you.” Always stay true to yourself despite what others may think of you! Even though people tried to bring you down, you always kept your spirits high and your courage even higher. I am so proud of you for overcoming a difficult time in your life. You are so brave and can…read more

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  • My little hero

    July 24th, 2024
    Happy birthday, little one! We are officially 26 years old. I still need to work on a lot and have been putting off writing this to you for a while. The remnant of our past lingers in my mind and still upsets me, so I will try not to cry while writing this (still anxious as ever). I look back at past letters and things Yia Yia and Mom have said to you so I can use them as a resource since I am not too good at opening up, but I will try my best; I promise you it will not be as good as they spoke to you, but it will still be enough. You are my muse; you showed me strength when it felt like the world was placed on our shoulders. You inspired me to do anything in life that I manifest for myself. You are brave; you spoke up when things were wrong and cared for others before yourself. Finally, you are resilient; stuff you do not speak on that you struggled with and handled from such a young age has shown who you are.

    I questioned how we became such a good person if our past had shown differently. From generational trauma, you continuously try to break, but it still comes up for air. To the infinite love you have inside of you for others and not yourself, you have let depression overstay its welcome, but it has never taken away your love from the inside of your soul, which has amazed me. You would be 24 today if I did not have you screaming in my head not to do this to your family; I chose to walk downstairs instead of making a decision you know all too well about the grief it gives others. Every year, the day after today, I still have a piece of you: the 7-year-old girl who found out her dad passed away, the 15-year-old teenager who found her dad’s news article that he shot himself, and the 24-year-old who almost did the same thing, but you stopped me. I don’t believe I would have had the strength to do it, but just the thought was enough to bring you to the surface, the most robust inner child I have ever met to this day.

    Writing to you has released a lot off my chest, and I thank you for listening. You have always been a great listener, and I love you for that. Today, I work as a 911 operator, saving lives for the last five years, which is not close to what you have done for me my whole life. I have written this letter repeatedly, thinking of different ways to place these words and speak to you, but I hope this helps you understand that you have always been enough. I am forever thankful it went God’s way and not ours for most things. Mom has always done her best to protect us, and there is a reason she kept the truth away from us for so long. Your dad loved you, and it was not your fault. He went through so much in life that led him to that point; he no longer suffers in this cruel world and is in a better place looking down on us. You can release the past trauma and live presently. I have learned a lot over the last few years, and it certainly opened my eyes to speak to yourself with a positive tone and never negatively, which will affect you.

    Last year was the first year I brought Dad’s ashes out after 18 years to watch a sunset on our birthday. I also grabbed a cupcake for old memories to enjoy what we couldn’t the day we found out. In the years I have not allowed us to enjoy a birthday, I finally looked inside and let you out to play, not to keep you locked up. You guided me towards better things and how to handle situations. So here is to another year of life and another candle for you to blow out. Make a wish.

    Do not tell me what it was, but I am thankful for you and life. I will see you at church on Sunday and wish you peace, happiness, love, and faith.

    I want to share with you my favorite quotes:

    “Be your light in the darkness; you are the only one who can help yourself.”

    “Life isn’t about surviving the storm; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

    “I watch the sunset to feel the serotonin, seeing for myself the beauty and art our loved ones paint across the sky from above.”

    Love you always, A. Simone

    A. Simone

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Alyssa, I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been for you to see and hear about your Dad in such ways. I know that you don’t know me, but for what it’s worth, I am so happy that you are still here. I know you went through a lot and contemplated if seeing such terror could be tolerated for the rest of your life.…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your kind words. I have overcome a lot, but I know it is all for her to keep living. I’m here for you too if you need anything!

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        • You are so welcome! I am so happy to listen and try to understand some of what you endured. Thank you for sharing!! ♥♥

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  • I set you free!

    Dear little Antoinette,

    We are on a trip down memory lane. While I thought I was just planning a trip to show our family where life started, you were planning a healing adventure. We’ve cried a lot. We hung out a lot. And we’ve gotten to know each other better.

    I loved letting you lead as our children got to meet your carefree spirit. Swinging from ropes to drop into the very cold springs, canoeing down the peaceful river, jumping off platforms! Making core memories with our babies on the swings right outside of our cabin in the woods. Showing our husband the fearlessness within on hikes through the wilderness.

    I know leaving was hard, and you didn’t understand why we had to go and you hadn’t a say so. Thank you for allowing me to meet you at our old house and console your pain. Seeing you jumping up and down, scream “Why did we leave?” Was heartwrenching. Yet, wrapping my arms around you as you sobbed, in the most healing way was the absolute highlight of this journey. Despite spending the majority of our lives in South Florida, North Florida is and will forever be home; I know that now. Soon enough we will be back home. Patiently waiting is one thing we find challenging, however, if you allow me to take the lead we will be back!

    You are so brave! You are so carefree! You are so fearless! You are so adventurous! You are so authentically you! I’m so grateful to have spent this time together, and to have introduced you to my family! Thank you for reminding me of who we are at the core. What you have done for me is honestly indescribable! Now, what I will do for you is, set you free!

    I love you always!
    Forever – Me

    Antoinette Lucila Gonzalez

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Antoinette, what a beautiful letter! I am so proud of you for adapting to the new environment and staying so strong even though you were upset. I am happy that you have found a place to call home and that you can always look back on your inner child for reassurance. She would be thrilled to know she grew up to be an amazing person ♥

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  • Dear Little Mr

    Dear Little Me,
    There is so much I want to say, but if I could say anything I want you to remember this: fear is an illusion. Never let it drive your decisions.
    You are a unique being with a bright light and can accomplish anything you set your mind to. If you ever feel lost or alone, that light will guide you to where you need to go. Your heart is full of love. It’s okay to protect it, but share it with the world! When you share your love and feel rejected that’s ok. Those aren’t your people, but thank and love them anyway. There is always someone that will love you and it starts with YOU loving YOURSELF.
    Don’t be afraid to try new things. In fact, do all the things! They are opportunities to have fun and learn about what you like. You are a true winner as long as you keep love, confidence and hope in your heart. Believe in yourself and love yourself first. When you do, you’ll see it in the people around you.
    Mistakes are learning opportunities of self discovery. When you notice them, embrace them with gratitude. They are here to help you and change is inevitable. Sometimes it may be uncomfortable, but you will learn to love yourself unconditionally and see the bigger picture.
    The universe loves you just as you are. If you fall, it will catch you. If you cry, it will hold you. If you’re sad, it will comfort you with unconditional love. Things will always balance out. So stay in the present moment and enjoy being you. Your voice is important and you have everything you need already inside you to accomplish anything.
    Keep writing your stories; I will read them. Keep painting your drawings; I will display them. Keep singing your songs; your voice is phenomenal. Keep reading books; it’ll expand your imagination. Keep running barefoot and soaking up the wonderful sun. Don’t forget to dance in the rain. Shape your own destiny with positive thoughts. Keep going love, you got this!
    I love you
    Big Me

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Dierrie, this is such an important message to learn. “Fear is an illusion” is now one of my favorite quotes! I never really thought about it, but honestly, I’m thinking to myself, why was I ever scared to talk to them or to try that food or to ask that question? The truth is, you only live once, so don’t live in fear of being judged, because the…read more

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  • See clearly In 2 me

    Hello little me, is it me you truly see?
    Or a watered down version of what your truly meant to be?
    Did you follow destiny? Or hide inside to be left be?
    Cuz u were clawing deep inside and screaming at me to be set free.
    But learning to hear your voice took time and lots of clarity.
    Cuz all the things you shared I feared, they scared the living shit outta me.
    So i had to learn to be every single thing you ever needed.
    All the strength you couldn’t muster cuz you felt completely defeated.
    So in turn… inside retreated, all the while your dreams seceded.
    Imagination became depleted, so many things left uncompleted.
    So the task was set, lest I forget, what I now mean to me.
    I’m asking now, I’m reaching out, to see just what you see.
    A man who shares his inner child , so wholly and complete.
    This inner child you see in me,

    Lucas kania

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lucas, I love this! Having regrets about your childhood is completely normal and many go through this. Don’t look back wishing you would have done more or differently. Your younger self would be happy to know that you grew into a great person who is proud of their past and proud of the person that they have become. Great work.

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  • Dad's Not Always Right

    Hey you, it’s me..
    I’m sorry if you’re busy..
    I was kind of hoping you’d be down for reminiscing.
    Remember that time in the car with dad,
    Gwen Safani on the radio, feet on the dash?
    He said “If you memorized schoolwork like song lyrics and sounds.. you’d be passing all your classes, Kid.. Hey. Feet down.”
    Beats are simple and lyrics roll off our tongue; a talent that was slightly discredited when we were young.
    Easier than Math, Spelling, Science, or anything that’s required. You know, all that stuff that makes us tired.
    But the high we get when our pitch is in sync, or the satisfaction that throbs when we lay a verse on a beat; it’s no little thing, but a passion to discuss..
    It’s a thrill, it’s a rush. It’s what I love about us.
    Do what makes us feel good, make our heart skip.
    Humanity is an experience, let’s make it a trip.
    Keep feeling what others feel and adjust accordingly.
    Be real. Be You. Just keep being Cortney.

    Short Cort

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Cortney, this is truly inspiring. Many people have had memories tarnished by others’ behavior, and it is unfortunate to think about it this way. Even though your Dad may have nagged you about school and other things, that never determined your value as a person or who you “had to” become. You make the choices you think are best for you. I am glad…read more

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  • “I Can Hold Myself “

    I’m Dangerous,
    Why is loving me hard?,
    Why isn’t loving me so true?,
    And yet in these rooms,
    I think to myself?,
    What could I do?,
    What could I be?,
    Such questions ponder my mind,
    Underneath my smile lays a broken girl in disguise,
    Even in the nights when I’m deep in my grind,
    Inside I’m caged,
    Outside I’m fine,
    Can these broken wings learn to fly?,
    With all this unhealed pain could I touch the sky?,
    I’ve seen many horrors as a teen,
    My molestation,
    My suicidal tendencies,
    My own addictions,
    What did it all mean?,
    As I shed these tears am I still a queen?,
    With my fallen crown am I as royal as they deem?,
    Underneath all this hidden trauma,
    Underneath all these wounds?,
    I no longer want to revisit these hardships for many moons,
    So I’ll look to myself,
    I’ll bandage every cut,
    I’ll climb out of every rut,
    To prove to myself,
    I’m more than enough,
    To prove to myself,
    I’m the diamond in the rough,
    For diamonds require pressure,
    Instead of other’s hands,
    I’ll use my own touch,
    Polishing myself,
    So that I’m not heartbreak’s crutch,
    That’s me through and through,
    Who are you masked man?,
    Inside this poetic ball?,
    I’m OEK,
    Some say blood ties us all,
    Yet I’m treated as an outcast,
    Long nights with tearful eyes,
    Will this pain I ever outlast?,
    I’ll never be enough for him,
    I’ll never be like them,
    Eventually it all boiled over,
    Into drugs,
    Into falling in love on whim,
    Accepting it even in the worst forms,
    How am I so young?,
    Yet I’m under the weather of these old storms,
    How do I deal with neglect?,
    Why create me if I’m not who you’ll protect?,
    These reasons are something I can’t detect,
    Maybe this belt will find them when placed around my neck,
    I’m at my witts end,
    So I’ll come to rebel,
    Only for this life to give me a taste of hell,
    From death and despair,
    To heart’s being torn and worse for wear,
    To my own action I’ll hurt myself,
    I’ll lose my wealth,
    I’ll lose my health,
    Who knew this trial would also make me well,
    Bringing forth my wishes from tossed quarters in the well,
    It took awhile for me to get here,
    Yet I’m on my 24th year,
    Happy as can be,
    That I could present the past me from the current me,
    Stripping the ability of you finding out I’m a memory.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, this poem is truly moving. My favorite line of yours would have to be when you said “To prove to myself, I’m more than enough” because you are 100% enough! You don’t have to live up to any expectations/standards because you are you!! You are unique you are confident you are strong you are brave and I am so proud of you for persevering t…read more

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  • Beautiful Little Potions

    I wonder what you’d think of me
    if I went to the backyard where you brewed potions out of acorns and fallen leaves
    and showed you all the scars the world
    and myself have left in me
    Would you say,
    “Oh, I’m so sorry!”
    While plastering
    Hello Kitty Band-Aids all over me?
    Because if you would,
    then I think I’d ruin it by asking,
    “Do you not recognize me?”
    Then I’d watch
    your dimples fade
    When you realize who
    Cause I know
    you’d only feel so much hate for a woman
    who straightens out
    the same curls as you
    But I wondered no longer
    when you screamed, “we’re so pretty!”
    Which was beautiful
    since it’s something I haven’t told myself
    in a while
    But it made me remember
    that you don’t feel judgmental pity,
    since you don’t have any crayons that come in that color
    How could you
    when dusty frames say
    you only draw pictures of superheroes,
    rainbows and daffodil flowers?
    And I think that’s why yesterday
    I felt you tugging on my sleeve
    When I was panicking that I had
    hurt a friend’s feelings
    Which left me surrendering to the fact
    They’re going to leave
    Because I was failing
    At being the “right” version of me
    But then I felt it again.
    A pull on my tissue encased pockets
    From a hand of a child
    with a headful of golden ringlets
    Who whispered, “it’s okay.
    If they really love you,
    then they’ll stay. I promise.”
    And this gave me a breath I didn’t have
    But my lungs still questioned if
    I’ll ever actually be worthy enough for them
    And that’s when I looked down
    and saw your chipped, pink nails
    wrapped around me
    like you were one of those friendship bracelets
    tied around your arm, so tightly
    Who stretched her small silhouette
    up to my ear,
    her dirty bare feet pirouetting,
    struggling to whisper,
    “Remember all the rides they told us
    we couldn’t get on until we were ‘this big to enter?’
    Then why do you feel you need to be perfect
    if the sign never said you had to be, but just a bit taller?
    Cause now you’re big enough to ride them all
    but you never do
    and all because
    you don’t think you’ll ever be good enough to.
    How’s that any fun for us?
    What’s even the point of growing up
    if you can’t do anything you dreamed of?”
    And then that weight lifted off my chest
    That I haven’t felt free from since I was 13
    And there was hope I didn’t know was left
    that I hadn’t lost who I was becoming
    So, now I’m writing this letter of love
    To the reckless, self- assured little girl
    Who brought me back to life
    with a friendship bracelet and messy hug
    Because I beg of you,
    please continue to speak
    cause I just want to echo all your
    untamed, reverberating curiosity
    And I swear- scouts honor-
    to imitate your wild innocence
    and your inconsiderate roar,
    to try and stop silencing your rambunctiousness,
    and hopeful outlook on the world
    Because I want to pull you off the shelf
    since it felt like I lost so much of us
    when I tucked it all away in that box
    the world carved out for my girlhood, itself
    And seeing how little
    your shadow is next to mine
    reminded me I’m big enough to reach you now
    cause those Hello Kitty Band-Aids
    helped me realize
    I’m pretty tall when I don’t feel the need to shrink myself down
    I should admit though,
    I also wrote this letter
    to ask about that potion
    and if you could make me another?
    Because its magic taught me
    that I did have to grow up,
    but I didn’t have to outgrow you
    because a part of me will always be five years old
    Begging shooting stars for my dreams to come true
    And to be honest,
    I don’t know if it was one of your friendship bracelets
    but it gave me the power to see
    All the corners you were forced in
    where lion cubs learn to quieten their ferocity
    where I can scream, “she’s yours no longer”
    to all those circus tents
    they force little girls to conform under
    Cause I am not barren of a choice
    and I choose you
    a million and one times over
    I choose the girl who unmuzzled
    the woman’s voice
    All thanks to that tug on my sleeve
    which gave me something
    I need more of
    and I’ve done enough maturing
    to realize
    that I hope to stay as young as you
    when I grow up
    Cause my little love,
    I think I’m finally big enough to understand
    that to truly love oneself and the world
    is to be as beautifully small as you again.

    Brinkley Dawn Howard

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Brinkley, WOW. This poem had so many ups and downs and is honestly one of the most creative and moving pieces I have ever read. I am so sorry for what you had to go through as a child. I am so happy that you have persevered through such a difficult time. You are an amazing writer, keep up the great work! ♥

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      • Harper V, oh my goodness! Thank you so much for your beautifully kind words! This is kinda the first time I’ve put something so personal out into the world so to hear a comment like yours just makes be feel so incredibly honored. I honestly want to print off your comment and frame it! Thank you so, so, so much! ♥️

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  • justcallme_artemis submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 1 months, 4 weeks ago

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    That Was You

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  • Veil of Vails

    In the street she hangs a halo that illuminates and captivates, but in reality there is chaos behind her veil.

    For you see, behind her veil lies a lifetime of perpetual betrayal.

    Betrayal that demands intergenerational portrayal, trajecting innocence and joy into a looming realm.

    In the street, She clings to Her vail, fighting to inhale glimmers of hope behind her eclipsing veil.

    For you see, behind Her vail is an inherited lifetime of perpetual war.

    A war that demands an election, to estrange akin to unveil intergenerational strain.

    In the street She illuminates despite Her reality. Behind Her vail, there is chaos in her realm.

    To my inner child I say: My dear, She hangs onto Her armor of vail, for you see, your election will prevail against her veil. Love you always, signed- Veil of Vails.

    Erika Kristina Garcia

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Erika, this is an amazing poem. I wish that more people were able to hear this. You truly never know what someone is going through. As you said, you were a very sweet and innocent-looking child, but you had some serious buildup of trauma and sadness. You would never guess that a little girl could be going through as much as you did. You are so…read more

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  • Small Space

    Tonight the stars are filled with wishes,
    I see your eyes,
    They beam and glisten.
    Praying to sew up your stitches,
    Pleading for someone just to listen.
    Your little heart of anticipation,
    Brain filled with imagination.
    Braver than a toy soldier,
    Too young to be older.
    Patience of the highest preacher,
    You hoped to one day reach her.
    Although small and fragile hearted,
    You stayed alive, now life has started.

    Skye Eads

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Skye, I love this. I am so happy that your childhood was filled with hopes and dreams. My favorite part of this is “now life has started” because so many kids think that little mistakes will define their lives and/or ruin them forever. But this is so far from the truth. Learning to make mistakes will only make you smarter and wiser. Life starts…read more

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  • To My Sweet Inner Child

    The way that love feels reminds me of the peaceful song of birds chirping on a Sunday morning. It is as gentle as the breeze created by a butterfly’s wings and as soft as rose petals. But its impact is as profound as trumpets in a marching band.

    Love is the act of showing compassion, empathy, consideration, and forgiveness to others. It is more than putting Neosporin and a bandaid on their cuts and scrapes. Love is helping someone heal the wounds that you cannot see. It is giving them comfort and support on their walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death the same way that you do at their award ceremony.

    Having the capacity to understand these constructs is what makes you extraordinary. The ambiance that you create allows others to be their authentic selves without the fear of judgment. You take the time to get to know them and you accept them for everything that they are. In the process, you do your best to accommodate their wants and needs, even if that means sacrificing your own. Your love is so genuine that you do this in silence hoping that they know how much you adore them. In fact, you love so deeply that you feel the need to protect your loved ones from everything, even yourself.

    That is why you are more valuable than the last golden ticket. Even during your darkest moments, you are a source of light for the people around you. Having the ability to save others while also saving yourself is the most beautiful gift that God can give a person. I know that at times it feels like a curse but that could not be further from the truth. It is your superpower.

    Having a purpose bigger than yourself is not easy. If it was, everyone would be a superhero. I know that there are times when you want to give up because your heart hurts. Sometimes you just want to disappear because you feel like no one sees you. All that you want is for someone to show you the love that you give so freely. When they do not, you find yourself crying quietly in the middle of the night because you do not understand why you are not enough. But you are.

    You are not the problem. Love is never supposed to feel like a game of tug-a-war. It is a gift exchange. The currency that is spent on the gift is reciprocation. People can only love you as much as they love themselves. We cannot spend money that we do not have and that is okay.

    When someone does not show you the same love that you show them, try not to get upset. Instead, pray that they learn how to love themselves more and remember the first rule of gift exchanges. They always have a spending requirement. If you cannot afford to spend the minimum amount required, then you are not allowed to participate.

    Denying someone access to you is not selfish. It is an important part of self-love. If you pour more into others than they pour into you, your cup will eventually be emptied. When you turn to them for a refill, they will not be able to quench your thirst. This will result in you feeling drained and forgetting who you are.

    I cannot promise you that it will be easy. I cannot promise that you won’t fall sometimes. But I can promise to always pick you back up. When you feel unloved and abandoned, I will be your mirror. I will shine your light back to you and remind you who you are. You are a beautiful blessing to this world. You deserve to be loved, respected and cared for. You deserve everything that your soul desires and more.

    When you feel like no one cares, remember that I do. I see the way that you spread love everywhere that you go like the bumble bees spread pollen. I think that is amazing. I appreciate you for everything that you are. Always remember that my love for you is more abundant than the stars in the night sky and deeper than the Pacific Ocean. For you, my well will never run dry.

    Love Always,
    Your Higher Self

    Kymberlee JoAnn

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow, Kymberlee, this is a fantastic letter. My favorite lines of yours are “Love is helping someone heal the wounds that you cannot see” and “Denying someone access to you is not selfish.” Healing internal wounds is so important because nobody could ever know exactly what someone is going through unless they thoroughly explain in to them in great…read more

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  • Blue Eyes Sparkled

    I stood in the doorway and saw a young child
    Her hair was bright blonde and a little wild
    Her blue eyes sparkled especially as the tears arose
    In her eyes, the heartbreak was exposed
    I stepped closer to the young girl and picked her up
    Pulling her into me, letting the tears erupt
    I tuck her hair behind her ear
    Soothing her saying “I am here”
    I look at her examining the pain she feels
    Through the tears, sobs, and cries she reveals
    In the moment, I’m her mama
    Saving her from the trauma
    She is safe and sound in my arms
    Quieting down those inner alarms
    When she’s safe, she’s full of smiles and glee
    She’s strong, observant and smiley
    She loves the dress with flowers that are blue
    Twirling around without her shoes
    When the rain pours she dances around
    And plays in puddles on the ground
    She loves to run and race neighborhood boys
    She always wins and they are annoyed
    Drawing is a favorite thing for her to do
    Winning art awards with ribbons of blue
    At recess on the swings she freely flies
    Using her hand to reach the bright sky
    She is brave, funny, sweet and genuinely loves
    Always willing to help just because
    Riding her bike she feels the wind through her hair
    Peddling fast and enjoying the solitaire
    Rollerblades, jump ropes, and running so fast
    Making up dances and having a blast
    She is a child full of love, hope, and cheer
    Smiling from ear to ear
    I am the mama in the doorway
    And I am here to stay
    I will keep her as safe as can be
    Because that little girl… she is me.

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Destiny, this is such a beautiful poem. The innocence and pure joy that is radiated off of children always bring a smile to my face. Little you sounds like even though she was sad sometimes, she was a great kid and she would be so happy to know that she grew up to be a fantastic adult with a caring and beautiful heart. Great work ♥

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  • jadyhudgins submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/herWrite a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 1 months, 4 weeks ago

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    Through our eyes

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • Behind those eyes

    Behind those purple glasses hid a world of wonder and endless possibility. To her, a star could be held in the palms of her hands if she reached far enough. Spilled paint stained her tiny hands for the stories in her mind she tried to bring to our world to show us. Passion filled her lungs and burst through her veins like a nova. With every breath she took in a part of creation, merging it with her soul. To her snowflakes were platinum glitter from an angel’s fingertips. Stars were glimmers of the light In God’s eyes. Love was hidden in all hearts with no exception. Colors were silent songs for our sight. In good there was everything and in everything there was good, some form of God’s glory to whisper to us. She didn’t live here she was everywhere. She traveled times and spaces that no one’s seen. In the paradise of parallel universes, her soul danced freely. Death was just the end of her perfectly written chapter in this grand story. She would stop and listen to her heartbeat knowing in amazement. Knowing that if it still thumped there was more, because there’s always more. More to love


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Miah, this is a fascinating piece. The amount of creativity that can sprout from one person’s brain is truly unfathomable. It sounds like you had a wild imagination that must have made your childhood so entertaining and memorable. I’m glad that you mentioned that there is always more to love. Hobbies change, abilities change and people change.…read more

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  • Don’t Remain Suppressed

    To my younger self.
    Don’t remain suppressed.
    What’s next?
    Constantly stressed.
    Life’s a mess.
    Let out my younger self.
    Emotionally flex.
    Don’t compete complement.
    Out loud in text.
    No’s and yes.
    Dirty and fresh.
    Poor and blessed.
    Let out my younger self
    Don’t remain suppressed.

    Kelly Wolff

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kelly, I love this!! Do not suppress your childhood self! She is the first chapter of your story and even though there may have been things you don’t want to remember or regrets that you may have from that time, you can’t ever forget about her. Don’t leave her in the past just because you have changed. Celebrate her! It may be difficult, but I…read more

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  • Ignorance is Bliss

    Title: Ignorance is Bliss

    “Ignorance is bliss”. That’s a term I learned back in high school, but I never fully understood its meaning.
    How can uncertainty ever have a positive connotation to it?
    Looking back at my childhood, it hits me. Ignorance was the innocence and the optimism I would now deem as arrogance, making it all so blissful.
    I would do anything to have that level of arrogance again without the anxiety or rage constantly looming over me as it does today.
    Before all of the abuse, heartbreaks, and self-deprecation, there lies a child so full of life that death itself is nothing but a mere shadow.
    Everything had beauty and the world was a plaster of saturated colors on a canvas.
    Making friends was almost second nature to me even the convenience store owner just down the street was also a friend and I never used to fear strolling down the bustling streets compared to today; where simply walking across the street puts a lump in my throat because stalking, harassment and the fear of men is the new reality I live in.
    Birthdays were fiestas where nearly the entire town would celebrate along with us. Compared to now, I wouldn’t even know who to invite because my circle of friends deviated into a table for two. and weekends spent by the river or playing with the neighborhood kids have transformed into errands and second jobs.
    Most of all, I miss the ignorance. The unbothered boosts of energy that once enabled me to run barefoot through tall grass without the fear of snakes, climb trees without the fear of falling, dance without the fear of judgments, and declare my love without the fear of heartbreaks.
    Regardless of the unforgiving new circumstances, I’ve developed a resilience that protects the innocence of the child that lies within and I know still exists.
    She is kind, generous, and playful though coated with trauma, rage, and maturity that ironically protects it.

    Lourdes Maria

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lourdes, I love your ideas. The innocence of children and the purity of their hearts is so beautiful. They are learning everything for the first time and everything they do is a new experience. Even though things have changed over the years and your life isn’t the same as it was when you were a child, that doesn’t mean that there is any more or…read more

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  • Deep in the garden

    Dear flower child,
    We had a different start. Your mama was young when she gave you life and she never stopped watering you and ensuring your growth. You may not understand this just yet, but your mama is going to be the one that shapes you into the woman that you will be in the future. Just trust the process.
    Things are hard right now but the thing I love the most about you is that you always look towards the future. You have been hurt, you have gone through things that people may never know or understand. However, you are always looking to the next thing. Your positivity shines like the sun that is needed to maintain your growth. You’re going to be ok.
    I almost forgot to introduce myself. I know that you have seen in movies where people go back in time and talk to their younger selves. Well, that’s me. I have seen you through the process and know that everything that feels like it is so hard right now is, but you will turn out a better person in the end.
    Your big brain and your small eyes have so much to learn but know that the people that count will be there in the end. You have a smile that can truly light up a room and more people deserve to see that. You have a soul that is big enough to feed an entire world. You do not know just who you are yet, but I do, and it is amazing. Keep smiling, keep laughing, keep being just yourself.
    Please know that me, I love everything about the person that you have become thus far. I hope that you continue to shine and be the amazing person I know you will become. The world is going to challenge and test you in every way possible. You have the power to drown the world out and become someone that no one is expecting you to be.
    Flower child, one day you are going to do great things and become a great person. You just have to believe in you like I have. Fight every challenge as it comes because it will shape you into someone that the world needs. Water every experience. Soil every opportunity. Continue to be the beautiful little girl that the world isn’t sure it is ready for yet, because here on the other side baby girl, we are waiting for you!

    The garden master


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww, Stephanie, this is so creative and sweet. Even though things were hard for you as a child, I hope you have good memories to look back on and smile at. It sounds like you were a smart, kind, and adorable little kid!! ♥ I love that you mentioned being yourself because, during childhood, many kids change things about themselves to fit in with…read more

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  • Little her

    Deep down, I knew that little girl had a sparkle in her eyes, Giggling and carefree, lighting up the skies.
    Her half-creased smile now shadowed by lies,
    She reaches for warmth, but the light inside dies.


    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Karla, this is a great poem. I am so sorry for what you had to go through. You are so strong for managing that, especially at such a young age. On the outside, kids are just little goofballs running around with friends, playing outside, and making up games. But most people wouldn’t assume that a child could have so much pain within them. I…read more

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