

  • A second of peace

    Laying in the grass
    As the time ticks by
    Waiting for my next class
    I’m alone yet satisfied

    I hear the wind whisper
    To the trees that are near
    As the air gets crisper
    The sky begins to clear

    I inhale the cool breeze
    The sun kisses my face
    My soul feels at ease
    As this is my safe space

    Even though I have to go
    I will long for another moment as so

    Destini Simon

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    • Wow, Destini! This is so beautiful. I adore your descriptions of nature. I also completely agree with you! Sometimes when life gets too overwhelming, just taking a moment to escape the chaos and take a breath of fresh air can be so peaceful and soothing. Amazing work!!

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    • Nature really can center us and bring us peace, and you describe that experience so well in this piece. I can feel how you feel from reading your words. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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