  • mel33x0 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

    You are an authentic hourglass

    My dear friend,
    Time is a gift. Every year you get to celebrate your birthday and choose how to celebrate it: with those you love, doing something fun, going to a nice restaurant, or lounging in sweatpants watching Netflix. Choose to live every day as if it is your birthday because every day is a new day, a new beginning – being born again.
    Imagine you were born knowing the day that you would no longer exist in a physical form on this earth…would you choose to live your life differently, speak differently, think differently? Would your outlook on life change? Would you have fewer regrets or simply no regrets at all? I know that can be unsettling to think about but marinate on it if you will… It is meant to be an awakening. Time is ever-passing and changing, like an hourglass.
    Your time is finite, but the actions you take may be boundless and have an infinite impact. Your mom always reminds you to not let the obstacles, challenges, burdens, or negativity of yesterday, alter the beauty of a new day – every day is a new beginning. Remember those words “Keep on going,” wise words from my papa – he would always remind you and your family that no matter how tough it gets… keep on going. Wise words to cherish always – tattooed on your soul forever.
    It’s liberating to always remember to live purposely, each day, each moment. It’s how can you be happy now, how can you make a change now, how can you make yourself happy now – what can you do in this moment to make yourself happy. It is okay to cry and let free your rainbow of emotions. All are valid to be and exist in this world. I know what that voice in your head is telling you, or falsely making you believe. Your anxieties and fears have shaped your perception. I know how difficult it is to not ruminate on those emotions, illuminate your thoughts. What is in the past, is in the past. What is in the future is your wildest dreams. If only you could see me now, see us now. Know that what seems impossible on most days, or harder to believe, is possible. I am so proud of you for going to therapy and putting in the hard work to validate your rainbow of emotions and nurture myself in embracing my vulnerability. I know it is so difficult and challenging on some days, but you will get through. You are setting the foundation; keep on going. Thank you for all that you are doing and for all that you are being and becoming.
    You are not alone on your journey; your family, friends, therapist, and mentors. One of my greatest wishes is that you are unapologetically yourself and free. Stay social, nurture yourself through self-care, laugh at yourself, and listen to your soul. Remember plants grow towards sunlight, their stems always find a way. You will too, keep on growing and glowing.
    I believe in you, your power, and your purpose. Your ancestors met at a precise moment in time that allowed you to be born and allowed you to be you. You are so special. Be the best you that you can be, and don’t let fear, negativity, or worry suppress who you were born to be. You are a glorious, authentic, lively hourglass.
    With grace & love,
    Wiser Melanie


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    • Melanie – This is great. YOU are very wise, as is your mom and Papa. I love love love this line, “Your time is finite, but the actions you take may be boundless and have an infinite impact. ” It is soo true, and you are clearly on the path to bring all of the greatness inside of you to life. Your journey is just beginning, and your mentality and approach to life will allow you to experience the best of life. Keep shining. You got this! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being a part of our community! <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much Lauren, it means a great deal. I feel very grateful for the love and wisdom I learned from my Mom and Papa and for the safe space to be able to share with this community. I sincerely appreciate your kind words of support and encouragement. Thank you for creating this community <3 Melanie

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