  • lostone89 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

    2023 Is Around The Corner

    You stuck up on us
    Like deer in the night
    I had heard of your coming
    But still wasn’t prepared for your arrival
    At the same time,
    I’m excited you’ll be at my door soon
    There’s so much I want to tell you
    Hopefully, you won’t be overwhelmed
    by my words
    I want to tell you
    That I want to finish my book
    Travel to other places
    Continue to work on being a better writer
    And to pursue it as a career
    I also want to strengthen my relationships
    and make new ones
    2022 went by so quickly
    I’m hoping you’ll go slowly
    As long as your year is a good one
    For every human being
    and creature on earth


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    • Gerald!!! I didn’t know you were writing a book! That’s amazing. I can’t wait to read it and I can’t wait for other people to see your beautiful heart. You are such a good soul and I am so glad you are part of The Unsealed family and our paths crossed. Thank you for being you. <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren!!! Yep. Haha. I need to start working on it again. I can’t wait to finish it and am thrilled for you and others to read it. I appreciate your kind words very much, Lauren. I’m glad our paths crossed too and to be a part of The Unsealed. Thank you for your light. 🙂 Gerald

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        • Gerald!!! I absolutely can’t wait to read it. Let me know when you do it. We can promote it on the site and on our social media. You are amazing. Grateful for your friendship. <3 Lauren

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          • Will do! I’ll let you know when I finish. That sounds exciting! Thank you, Lauren. I’m grateful as well. I still can’t believe we’ve crossed paths sometimes, but I’m glad it happened. <3 Gerald

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    • Gerald, I’m glad that this year is a happy look for you. I’m sure you will be able to travel more, write more, build relationships, and finish your book. You are so passionate about writing I can’t see you not doing it. You got this! Keep fighting!

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      • Thank you, Kayjah for your touching words! Keep fighting and striving I shall. I hope 2023 is going well for you so far and that good things have come true for you.

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