  • lorinda submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Perfectly Equal

    Perfectly Equal

    Once upon a perfect day
    All were equal in every way

    Not color nor gender
    Did prevent the render

    Of kindness and care
    Bestowed on everyone everywhere

    In fact, all differences at hand
    We celebrated in fashion most grand

    And an impenetrable sphere
    Protecting both straight and queer

    And those dark skinned and light
    Surrounded our earth, preventing a blight

    Which threatened evil and strife
    Upon this our most perfect life

    For hate may have been the prequel
    But equal would be the sequel

    On this most perfect day
    Conjured and imagined my way

    Lorinda Boyer

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