  • ljoosten submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    A Love Letter To Myself

    Dear Lauren Grace,

    This love letter to you is in the form of a poem, because, as you know, I can’t find the right way to directly express myself. I love you.

    Here we go:

    I looked at them
    My love has always flowed
    In their direction, though
    Cried painful streams of tears
    But it never came my way
    Overlooking my soul everyday

    To him to her
    To me?
    Who’s that?
    Who’s she?

    I had never cared to see
    What’s shining inside,
    ‘Til you finally caught my eye.
    Sparkling, glimmering,
    Amongst the stars in the sky.

    I started thinking it’s love
    I started thinking
    You’re all I’ve ever dreamed of.
    You’re the love you give out,
    I apologize for years of doubt.

    Then I fell,
    Could’ve stayed down,
    Saw no one was around,
    I pushed myself off the ground.
    Then suddenly, the sun was shining down
    On me.
    I saw me.

    Now I cherish your pain, sweet girl.
    Now I praise your name, sweet soul.

    If I don’t love you,
    Nothing else matters.
    If I don’t love you,
    Who else will?

    What do I need from me?
    It feels it has to come from someone else.
    But now I’ve become somebody else,
    And I’m seeing my truth.
    My whole heart belongs to me.

    All the need I love is within me.

    I feel you breathe everyday.
    I hear you talk away the pain.
    I hear the thoughts that nearly,
    Knock you down.
    I see the dreams,
    The nightmares,
    The hopes,
    things they’ll never see.
    I can see you Lauren Grace.
    And I love you wholeheartedly.

    With Unconditional Love,

    Lauren Grace

    Lauren Grace Joosten

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    • Lauren Grace, your words are a beautiful expression of love. Embrace the love within yourself, for it is the most important. You are seen, heard, and cherished. Love yourself wholeheartedly, for no one else’s love can compare to the love you have for yourself. With unconditional love, always.

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    • Aww Lauren Grace, I love this. I see you too. I love this part:

      “I started thinking it’s love
      I started thinking
      You’re all I’ve ever dreamed of.
      You’re the love you give out,
      I apologize for years of doubt.”

      I love this idea that YOU are your very own dream come true. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family.<3 Lauren

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