  • lashman6 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Love Poem to myself

    In the dance of life, I find joy’s embrace, As adaptability paints my grace. Like a river, I bend, I sway, Navigating challenges, come what may. Resilience blooms within my soul, Turning adversity into a goal.
    From trials, I emerge, strong and bold, Every setback a tale of stories untold. Confidence is my guiding light, Illuminating paths through the night. With self-possession, I stand tall, embracing uncertainties, I conquer all.
    When darkness looms, and shadows grow, I pick myself up, ready to show, that within me lies a power untold, to rise again, resilient and bold.
    Flowing with life’s ever-changing stream, I embrace each moment like a dream. With every twist, turn, and ebb of the tide, I find solace in the journey, nowhere to hide.
    So, I love myself for who I am, A blend of strength, grace, and inner calm. With adaptability, resilience, and confidence, I journey through life, embracing the view.

    Lisa Ashman

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    • Lisa, your words beautifully express the strength and resilience within you. Your ability to navigate life’s challenges with grace is inspiring. Keep embracing the journey and loving yourself for who you are.

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    • Lisa, this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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