  • karmasdreaming submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    A Passion so Deep it Indulges in the Most

    A passion so deep, it indulges in the most.
    Infatuated with the lust life brings and the thoughts it hosts.
    A passion so deep, it indulges in the most.
    Head over heels in this rat race they boast.
    A passion so deep, it indulges in the most.
    Unconditional acceptance from the highs and lows.
    Leave no room for judgment, whether bitter or love.
    A toast for the unconditional love.
    A passion so deep, it indulged in the most.
    Body positivity now so mighty and haute.
    Self love is key to staying afloat.
    A passion so deep, let it indulge in your truth.
    Reveal your potential and see your way through.
    For these are the things I see within me, do you see them in you?


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Karma, your write with so much passion and it really comes across. Keep revealing your potential, there is so much greatness inside of you. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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