  • Kaylee Field shared a letter in the Group logo of Remembering those we lost/GriefRemembering those we lost/Grief group 2 months ago

    Forever 22

    I knew you so well.
    And I know as soon as you did it,
    regret flooded over you like a river in a rainstorm.
    You were filled with it.
    Overflowing with sorrow of all you left behind.
    Your family,
    Your brother,
    and friends,
    are left with unanswered questions
    of why.

    It was a mistake, we know it was.
    And I am sorry.
    That you felt so much pain in your heart
    that you felt it was easier to not be here at all.
    To take it all away from yourself like a thief.

    Except you didn’t just rob yourself,
    You robbed everyone who loved you,
    Of all the years of joy and happiness that they should have had with you.
    And never will.

    One decision, one mistake,
    and yet so many innocent people now suffer
    the consequences.
    In one instant an entire life in the making,

    We were here
    But we didn’t hear you calling our names.
    But were you even calling?

    “I’m sorry,” send.
    For what?
    “Love you.” Send.
    What’s going on?
    No answer.

    Bang, gone.
    22 years all down the drain,
    22 years of laughter,
    22 years of joy,
    22 years of pain,
    22 years of growing,
    And learning, and making mistakes.
    Except, this mistake you will never learn from.

    And I continue to ask why.
    But yet, I could not be in your head,
    I could not feel your pain,
    your sadness,
    your suffering.
    So who am I to place your blame?
    If I could, I would have sucked it out of you like a vacuum,
    Because you deserved better.

    I tried to understand,
    But I cant.
    I know how it feels to want to end it all.
    The emptiness,
    The gut wrenching feeling that you’re not good enough.
    The void that can’t be filled.
    To shut the lights off,
    Turn off the noise.

    But even so,
    I still can’t justify the mess you made,
    Or wrap my head around the facts.
    I cant believe what you are capable of.
    My wounded heart just doesn’t understand
    the wound you endorsed,
    At the hands of yourself,

    It feels surreal,
    And I feel angry.
    It feels like I’m constantly drowning,
    And I’m trying to come up for a breath of air,
    But someone is holding me down.
    I see the surface, but just I cant reach it,
    I’m out of control.

    Or like I’m in one of those dreams where I am trying to run, but I’m stuck in slow motion.
    Or the dream where you throw a punch,
    but your fist is too heavy,
    And it makes you angrier and angrier.
    I’m so furious,
    And I want to believe you’re at peace,
    But how can I when you have been taken
    From everything you love?

    Your beauty was just too beautiful for the world.
    Your kindness was too kind,
    Your generosity was too generous,
    Your personality was too big,
    Your passion was too passionate,
    Your strength was too strong.

    You were too much for this Earth to handle.
    Thats why she took you from us.
    It took 22 years to find out
    that you were too good for this world.

    You wanted to receive your halo and wings early.
    When daddy said you were his Angel,
    he didn’t mean it literally,
    But I guess you had other plans.

    Now you will forever be 22 years young.
    And I will forever wonder what could have been.

    Kaylee Field

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