
jsapril's Letters

Why He Chose Me?

What am I grateful for?
Often I feel shameful for not feeling more grateful for my disability
I am grateful to the Higher Power
For instilling the motivation and strength
Recognizing how I can use my disability
Sometimes I make myself feel dizzy
Trying to figure out why me
he chose to be looked at differently
I never think I will fully love my…read more


Learning To Recycle

Loving yourself is not easy
Thinking about it makes me dizzy.
My head spirals like the wind
I think about what could have been
Would my love for myself be different if I had not let society’s opinion take me on this tailspin?
I wish I were a dog
Not remembering their last internal sin.
Giving myself love should not be difficult
But my happiness d…read more


WE UNSEAL The Bottle!

Dear Unsealed Family

We’ve all been there, trying to UNSEAL a bottle, and we just can NOT.

After a million tries, we take a break and glance at our hands, only to see them bright red from our work, which, until this point, hasn’t borne fruit.

We might even see a blister and wash our hands (reluctantly) because we know that once that hand eve…read more


I want to say I remember the exact date. I do not; however, that does not take the meaning, luster, or any other adjective to describe the importance of this day away.

I was a sophomore in college and still was having trouble finding a friend who truly made me feel comfortable talking about my cerebral Palsy. I felt that until I explained it, I…read more

But… Get Your Butt UP!

Dear teenage self,

Before I go back in time, it’s crucial to recognize your mind was not fully developed yet.

They say things happen for a reason, but…

“If you sit on the bench, you sit on the bench.” It is your fault that I did.

I wish you would have pushed yourself to lift one more “weight” by going to that party. You did not… it’s y…read more

Blink Your I

How do we change the world? It is far from easy. First, you take your squeegee.

When we take the squeegee we focus on what “I” can change and looking up to the sky should not be the only thing you use to figure out why.

Reflecting is ok, but there will come a day where action is the takeaway!

The answers to your question is by evaluating one…read more

Voting ends on July 31, 2024 12:00am



Dear Mikaela LAUREN tick.

Today is the 10-year anniversary of which you PHYSICALLY passed.

Whenever I talk about you it’s ALWAYS in the PRESENT TENSE because I KNOW that you are ALWAYS guiding me down the hill , “looking down” on me, BUT that is the EXACT OPPOSITE. You look UP to me because of the thing that I fear people look down on me for.…read more

The Hand Dealt

Dear Body,

I love you because I severely dislike you.

At one point, I did not know if I would need a helmet to protect me from physically breaking a bone of yours. That is not my only bone to pick with you; it’s hard to swallow that everyday activities are challenging because of you: shoes, buttoning shirts, opening cans, etc., are taxing, b…read more


More Than a Ramp

This is a ramp; at first, I took a picture to post on my social media platform to credit Buffalo Wild Wings for having this ‘assistant’ for people like myself who need an alternative to reach their destination. Don’t get me wrong; I appreciate not having to worry I might have ‘egg on my face’ before I enter the establishment or my cheeks being…read more

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