  • Jake shared a letter in the Group logo of What does representation mean to you?What does representation mean to you? group 1 years, 4 months ago


    What’s INspiring about me? Before I answer, I want to be clear that this answer is like the chance of Amazon not selling any packages tomorrow, 0% of arrogance!

    This question is like asking me to jump on a 24-inch box and land it, ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE!

    As a person with cerebral palsy, a physical disability. One might think I’m going to write this grand story about how I “built Rome in ONE DAY”, paraphrasing John Heywood. The truth is: I can NOT tell you what is INspiring about me, others can.

    They might say, Jake won a New York State Broadcasters Association Award for a feature he did on Disability Awareness Month, he has his masters degree in Sports Journalism, he was the president of his high school, etc. All that is GREAT; it does NOT hold a candle TO ME compared to EXternal achievements.

    EXternal achievements only ASSIST with SELF-SABOTAGE.

    To use a boxing analogy, “Your “cornerman” can ONLY LIFT YOU UP, NOT KNOCK YOUR OPPONENT DOWN.” – Jake April

    So, to answer the question, I’m INspirational because hopefully, I conveyed the importance of being your OWN “cornerman”, and that comes from the INside!


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    • This is a really interesting letter, Jake. Such a Unique way to show people what’s INspiring about you. I love your mindset on life because a lot of people believe that to be inspired or inspired by someone they have to be perfect. Just like you said it’s like landing from jumping 24-inch box from the ground. Practice makes perfect but doesn’t make it easy for you to hit it overnight. We all become someone’s inspiration at some point in life but that inspiration comes with

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