  • Jake shared a letter in the Group logo of To my younger selfTo my younger self group 5 months, 4 weeks ago

    TAGGING ALONG - Despite the scars

    Dear You,

    Never in a million years did I think I would be so connected with you, but at the same time disconnected.

    The thought of ever thinking of you as a POSITIVE mainstay (I use mainstay literally), in my life is like finding a person who does not know what an iPhone is.

    The bane of your existence on another person would literally freeze me.

    I could not talk at the mere sight of seeing what felt like a drowning impact you had and sometimes still have, on the lives of innocent humans.

    Prematurely punishing them with the ability to not talk!

    This confinement… well, it just seems like the prison sentence of Jeffrey Deskovic, a man who spent 16 years innocently behind bars. A person who missed 16 years of freedom, family events, friends, and much, much more, for being wrongfully accused.

    This powerful story can be read in the new book – “Unseal Your Superpowers: Letters To Inspire The Hero Within You” by Lauren Brill.
    (See bottom for link to book).

    So much of my life with you I let myself die inside by not behaving as my authentic self.

    I was in a stranglehold with you that even the Hulk would not be strong enough to combat your grasp.

    Despite you letting go of that fiercely tight grip, I have the scars to show for it.

    After years of healing, the scar’s are still there. All but so faint, no amount of scar cream can make it evaporate.

    The pain of you will always be there, nagging me like a tag on the back of a shirt.

    I realize that tag is not meant to be ripped off or even taken off as a whole, it’s there as a reminder that sometimes a tag or label will never die, but if you don’t like it you can always use tie dye.

    Despite the tag or label still there, this time, I am going to exchange it for one that fits me! Only me — the authentic me! After all, no one can be me!

    So, I thank you for the lessons you have taught me, cerebral palsy. Now, I’m going to live life authentically and OWN you, tag and all!

    Love your once enemy and now friend,


    Here Is the link to the story mentioned above, and much more.

    We are currently donating a portion of our proceeds (10%) to two charities:

    Lift Our Voices, which aims to transform the American workplace, making it safer and more equitable for everyone, and Team LeGrand, a fundraising arm of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation dedicated to supporting quality-of-life initiatives and treatments for spinal cord injuries.


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