  • hgray624 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Dear Self;

    You remind me of a rainbow, shining bright and beautiful after a storm. How light can be found in even the darkest of times. Storms may blow through, causing mass destruction, yet there you are colored with glee. Despite it all, you never fail to shine. Each stripe painted of your rainbow projects the creativity held deep within. Much like a chameleon, you never fail to embrace your surroundings. Casting a positive light in the midst of chaos. Such a simple, magical, being you are. Sunsets, starry nights, the smell of morning dew in the beginning of spring, they all remind me of you. However, you too remind me of a cold dark winter day. Somber skies with an overcast of gloom. Although melancholy lurks through the air, you bring a sense of comfort and home. A sense of safety. Almost as if you were an alternate reality, an escape room if you will. You’ve been battered and bruised but you are still here thriving. The beauty comes from being able to navigate this challenging maze of life, and always coming out with a better sense of self even when you wanted to give up. Inspirational resilience. Nonetheless, bright and beautiful, or cold and dark, you are always yourself, never giving up – and for that I love you.

    Hannah Gray

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • “The beauty comes from being able to navigate this challenging maze of life, and always coming out with a better sense of self even when you wanted to give up. Inspirational resilience. Nonetheless, bright and beautiful, or cold and dark, you are always yourself, never giving up – and for that I love you. ”

      That is amazing and so strong and powerfully written. I love your self-awareness. Never forget how strong and powerful you are. Also, did you paint your picture? If so, I love it. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family <3 Lauren

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      • I throughly work on my self awareness daily trying to recognize the “good in the bad”, so I appreciate your kind words!!!

        Also — yes, I did paint the picture! Painting is actually a very big hobby of mine.

        Thank you!!! 🙂

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