

  • Lauren, thank you so very much for taking the time to read and respond to my piece. I look forward to the next steps and I’m happy to be apart of the movement 😊 happy new year!

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  • Re(solutions) : A Poem for 2024

    This time
    I am
    Clawing my way
    Out of
    The grave
    I laid in
    The grave
    I prayed in
    For a change
    An extracating hand
    With a shovel
    To come
    And dig
    Looking for me
    Knowing I was
    In there
    The dirt
    Never lifted
    No matter
    How many
    I shifted
    I would scream
    I would even
    Nobody came
    I decided
    I would
    Die in
    Blind to the power
    I could harness
    Then I realized
    I was awake
    Nowhere near
    I may have
    Felt defeated
    But I still
    Had some
    Strength left
    My hands began
    To move freely
    My legs too
    I was never
    I just accepted
    Too many lies
    As my truth
    Leaving me
    The years
    Were heavy
    Filled with turmoil
    This year is
    Brand new
    I am no
    Beneath the soil

    Grayson Bell

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    • Grayson, this is powerful! I am glad this year you feel more empowered and ready to rise above. Keep pushing forward. Great things are ahead. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren, thank you so very much for taking the time to read and respond to my piece. I look forward to the next steps and I’m happy to be apart of the movement 😊 happy new year!

        Write me back 

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