

  • Harper, thank you so much for your kind words! Your encouragement means so much. 🙂

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    • You’re so welcome! I’m happy to help you out in any way I can, even if it’s just listening to what you have to say. ♥

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  • Lost and Found

    Before the storms weathered what feels like such an old soul
    The golden hues of my hair, before I tried to fit into someone else’s mold
    Laughing and screaming while falling from trees
    No tears spilled over skinned knees
    Hushed yelling cursed names spewed
    I quickly learned I mustn’t break any rules
    Now quiet and reserved never missing a social cue
    I once was so brave not even my family had a clue
    The resilience I had at such a young age
    Always putting on my happy face I smile and wave
    She’s such a good girl isn’t that what they always would say
    As I quickly grew up so ahead of my time
    I made sure to never lose my shine
    Adventure seeker turned people pleaser
    She always remembered her name laughing off all of the pain
    Authentically you, never afraid to steer off to catch a good view
    Jumping into lakes to beat the heat
    Making potions in the kitchen when I should’ve been asleep
    Stirring the pot never over thinking a single thought
    Sneaking midnight snacks popcorn in between laughs

    Chronically misunderstood
    As wild as the Florida wind
    Emotions flooding through like a hurricane
    Hushed through the pain
    Left alone to cry out the shame
    Return with a smile learning to constrain my wild
    Find hope through art only for it to be torn apart
    Strong enough to stand again
    Each time I was shoved a mark was left
    A feeling that has since remained in my chest
    An ache in my heart
    But my love stayed true
    Once a fighter refusing to let them break you
    Golden hues turned dark and untamed
    Always regaining my light after every rain
    Picking up the pieces taking others parts as my own
    All the love I gave came back to me through the unknown
    Following blindly the ones I admired
    Down the darkest paths of desire
    I learned my way from such a young age
    I fought the course only to be brought back to it once more
    All the hope left my body I left it with the sea
    I’ll dive again and bring it all back to me
    I see that young girl with golden hair teaching her that while life isn’t always fair to never shrink or lose her flair
    So here I declare to repave the path I thought was my heir
    I see the world through those young dark eyes
    As the years have soared by they’ve lightened over time
    When I fight I fight for you
    I heal for you
    Your resilience is now mine
    My peace will be ours

    Once so wild and carefree
    Laughing singing falling from trees
    As I heal for me I hurt for you
    Breaking free from the chains finally living without all this pain

    I stood tall and proud filled with dreams until I fell from the clouds
    But as I age and have learned grace
    I smile back reminiscing about your face
    The courage in you stayed true until your light burned out
    I don’t think we truly believed our doubts
    As we find our way back to each other
    Our light starts to burn brighter than ever
    Our flame ignites once more the magic ignites together we soar
    You were strong for me and now I fight for you

    Gabrielle Vizzini

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Gabrielle, what a beautiful message. I love where you said, “Authentically you.” Always stay true to yourself despite what others may think of you! Even though people tried to bring you down, you always kept your spirits high and your courage even higher. I am so proud of you for overcoming a difficult time in your life. You are so brave and can…read more

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      • Harper, thank you so much for your kind words! Your encouragement means so much. 🙂

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        • You’re so welcome! I’m happy to help you out in any way I can, even if it’s just listening to what you have to say. ♥

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