  • flann1994 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Self Love

    Self love
    What is self love?
    Self love is:
    Loving yourself
    Appreciating yourself
    Self love
    It’s different
    For everyone

    I’ve struggled
    With self love
    With loving myself
    With accepting myself
    My whole life
    It’s been a journey
    Finding myself again

    I’ve been
    Made fun of
    For how I look
    For my size
    For the scars
    On my body

    You’re so small
    How tall are you?
    What size shoe do you wear?
    You’re so small
    You’re head is a hand rest
    I could shove you
    In my pocket
    You’re a midget
    A shrimp
    Kids are taller than you
    What’s with all the scars?
    Why do you have them?
    Look at her tummy?
    It’s all messed up
    She’s got two belly buttons
    Look at her neck?
    She’s got a hole in it

    Kids are mean
    Kids are bullies
    Kids are cruel
    Kids don’t understand
    Becoming the girl with the tummy scars
    Becoming the girl with the hole in her neck
    Becoming the small girl with tiny feet

    I was embarrassed
    By my scars
    But I know now
    They show strength
    They show I survived
    They show I lived
    Despite the odds
    Despite the complications
    The multiple surgeries
    I endured as a baby

    I wished my feet were bigger
    To fit into real women’s shoes
    But now I don’t mind
    Having small feet
    I can fit into kids shoes
    Finding shoes for cheap
    I still can fit into women’s shoes
    If I’m looking for something fancy

    I always wished I was taller
    Like it wasn’t fair
    The tall gene skipped me
    Like why?
    But I have expected my size
    I can fit into kids clothes
    For cheaper
    I can still find lots of cute things
    In smaller sizes
    I can fit anywhere
    I can push my way
    Up to the front of concerts
    I’ve Learned to climb
    Things with ease
    To reach high things
    I’m not small
    I’m fun size

    So yeah
    It took awhile
    To find myself again
    To love my self again
    To accept my self again
    To love my body again
    To accept my flaws
    To love my flaws

    I’m still learning everyday
    To love myself
    To accept myself
    To love my body
    Scars, flaws and all
    Some days are better than others
    But I’m no where near where
    I was before

    Flannery Joyce

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    • Flannery, your journey towards self-love and acceptance is inspiring. Embrace your scars, flaws, and uniqueness. You are beautiful and worthy of love, regardless of what others may say. Keep learning and growing on your path to self-discovery.

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    • Flannery! You are perfect just the way you are! You are warrior and that is something you should be proud of! People who are mean and who bully, just have their own insecurities. Happy people don’t hurt people. It’s just a fact. So don’t listen. Their opinions don’t count. Keep leaning into love yourself. You are wonderful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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