

  • The same

    “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    Things just stay the same
    “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    New players same old game
    If things don’t get better
    Then things won’t grow
    Trust me when I tell you this
    For this is a lesson I know
    New beginnings
    Scary starts
    The fear of not knowing
    The breaking of hearts
    “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    New day same old me
    “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    The person I could grow to be
    If I could let go
    If I could give in
    I’d be beaming with pride
    Not dripping with sin
    “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    The power we have to see
    That giving in
    That starting over
    The ability to forsee
    “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    You are getting in your way
    “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    Alas, a brand new day
    Embrace it
    Welcome it
    My hope is you will see
    That “Nothing changes if nothing changes”
    You hold the key to being free

    Andrea Morse

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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  • Unsent

    Dear John,
    I remember the day we met. The shady pool hall in the middle of nowhere. You were at the table next to me. You were loud, crude and extremely obnoxious. We were both 18 although I was far more mature. You approached me with such confidence though, and there was something about you. From that day on we were inseperable. We had so much fun. So much laughter. Those became, and still are the best years of my life. Then you told me you were going into the military with the hopes of becoming a firefighter. I was shocked and hurt. I felt betrayed. But you went, and I stayed with a broken heart. Your letters came daily though. I remember you called me from Spain. You were in a sniper tower and you wanted my voice to be the last one you heard in case something happened to you. I remember my grandfather telling me one day “there is a Marine out front looking for you.” I looked out the window with confusion as I didn’t know who it was. It was you. A hundred pounds lighter. Serious, strong and very….military. We were inseparable again. This time was so different. No laughter. We barely spoke when we were together. I remember we would go every Sunday and watch the planes land in total silence. You deployed several times after that. The letters still frequently, but few words. When you returned the last time you said “I love you, buy I’m different now. I can’t be with you.” I was devestated. Over time communication was almost none other than a few Facebook exchanges. We grew up. Moved on. I heard you became a firefighter and I was so happy for you, but sad I didn’t get to see it. I remember driving home one day and I got a call. Your friend simply said ” Andrea, John has died.” I dropped the phone and missed my exit. I don’t remember how I got home. I then learned you died in a fire doing what you loved. You were now a hero to others although you were always mine. I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to be better. To be stronger, to take risks. If I come to a cross road I always ask myself what you would do. What you would tell me. You have inspired me in so many ways, but sadly I never got to tell you. Even through the heartache and sadness you remained my biggest inspiration. I still read our Facebook messages from years ago that I saved. I still look at your Facebook to see your son, your words and your face. Thank you for coming up to me in that pool hall. It changed my life for the better and for that I’m eternally grateful.
    With love,

    Andrea Morse

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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  • Listen

    Hello young friend. Let us walk.
    To shoot the breeze and talk the talk
    Things haven’t been easy
    Since growing up, waiting for my happiness
    With my still empty cup
    However the best thing I can say that is true
    Is there wouldn’t be me
    If there hadn’t been you
    Your Empathy for others is what I love the most
    Like a graveyard that loves a friendly ghost
    Your compassion, your heart, your ability to care
    Wide eyes of compassion never replaced by a stare
    Your heart of gold is as pure as can be, and your love for others is without a fee
    These are things I admire in you
    A love for humanity, I wish then I knew
    Just how important these qualities would be
    Before I gave the world time to harden me
    So I’m taking back time and letting you know
    While I’m now a red light you were always a go
    I wish I had Empathy like you did again
    It’s more of a now instead of a when
    I wish I still had the ability to care
    I’m much more truth then I’ll ever be dare
    So I’ll go on living that knowing in me
    There is an selfless person even myself didn’t see
    As you grow up remember to not be so hard
    And to not tattoo over the place that is scarred
    For life isn’t all bad
    If that’s the picture I drew
    For you can’t fixed ripped paper
    If you don’t have the glue

    Andrea Morse

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I love your words to yourself, positively you I presume! “There wouldn’t me, If there hadn’t been you” So true yet some of us are still running lol. Thank you for the uplift🥰

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    • Andrea, you are right that “you can’t fix ripped paper if you don’t have the glue.” I love this line. Too often, we try to fix the broken parts of us before we are truly ready. In order to really heal, we have to be able to put ourselves back together. Thank you for sharing your poetry!

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  • Thank you for your kind words. We all have a story, and if we are lucky, the beautiful opportunity to rewrite it♡

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